SocialApp - Full Android Application

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by InnovativeDeveloper
SocialApp - Full Android Application Android Chat & Messaging Mobile App template


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SocialApp is a social networking app which makes it easy to build a own social networking app in just a few minutes. It comes with lots of features which includes but not limited to photo sharing, video sharing, status update, followers and friends system, organized notification system, block system, material design and animations. It has lots of more features which are written below. It runs through a web server which is based on PHP and connected with MySQL database. It also supports instant messaging and emoticons. You can share post with your friends, followers or via personal message. The code is flexible and easy to modify (with full documentation available with the product). It is developed in android studio, but can also be easily setup in other IDEs.


  • Admin panel also included.
  • Material Design.
  • Organized feed and followers system.
  • Organized notification system.
  • Comments & Likes system.
  • Comment reply system.
  • #hashtag system.
  • Fast image, video uploading with cancellation.
  • Organized profile view.
  • Search peoples and hashtag.
  • Add/delete likes, comments, shares, post.
  • Clean coding.
  • Organized account settings.
  • Login and registration.
  • Encrypted account credentials.
  • Banner-ads and native feed ads.
  • Image, video sharing.
  • Nearby system.
  • Sharing system.
  • Trending system.

Main Features:

  • News Feed: News feed shows all the recent posts of your friends and followers (according to their audience settings). It includes photos, videos an status updates of each users with timely order.
  • Notification system: Notifications are organized and added from server-side. Notification might pop up when a user (follows you, adds you as a friend, likes, comments, shares your post), when a followers adds a new post, updates its profile picture. More details regarding notification system is given below.
  • Friends and followers system: A friend can view all user photos, videos and status updates. Friends and followers both can send private messages. When you follow someone, you would receive their status updates like (post added, profile changed, shared post).
  • Post Following System: Facebook-like post following system is also included in this app. Whenever you comment on a post, you automatically start following that post so whenever a new person or the poster comments back, you’d get notified through notification system.
  • Photo sharing: You can share your photos with specific audience (public, friends and followers, friends only). Photos are saved on server database according to user ids.
  • Video sharing: This feature was especially requested by some customers so here it is now. You can now share videos with specific audience as you like.
  • Audience System: Audience system adds a layer of privacy in your account. You can set specific audience on your post so that only users from that audience would be able to see your post. It includes public, friends and followers, friends only.
  • Messaging system: You can send and receive messages from any user. Messaging system works via RestAPI.
  • Block system: You can block certain users from accessing your profile. Blocked users aren’t able to view profile, send messages and view posts, videos, photos.
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Demo APK:

SocialApp - Full Android Application - 8

Package includes:

  1. Full android source code
  2. MySQL database
  3. Full project documentation
  4. Server files


  • PHP (Server-side, with latest version)
  • MySQL (Server-side, with latest version)
  • Web server with fast internet speed and disk space for images and videos.
  • Knowledge of JAVA and PHP


  • Basic support: Basic support is available for free via comments section or email. Feel free to ask any tech related questions regarding the app.
  • Advanced support: It includes installation of web server and app, basic customization and other basic additions. It’s not available for free and you’ve to contact author for more information.
  • Customization: Customization is available for this app. Contact author via email for more information.

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    • 6 month free support included from author
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    • 360 degrees quality control
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