Smart QR Code - Android with Admob

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by iGlyphic
Smart QR Code - Android with Admob Android  Mobile App template


This a tool to create/scan or generate barcode and qrcode easily with your smartphone. You can scan and open web url, email, phone number etc. Also you can copy scanned content into the device clipboard. It support varieties of qrcode and barcode formats.

Please check our demo:

  • Smart QR and Barcode Features

    • Scan qrcode
    • Scan barcode
    • Generate qrcode
    • Copy content to clipboard
    • Open url, mail, phone number directly from scanned content
    • Simple and great interface
    • Banner and interstitial ad
    • Simple and great interface
    • Beautiful UI/UX
    • Extensive Documentation

    How to Setup

    • 1) Import/open project by Android Studio
    • 2) Open build.gradle (under app directory) file and change ‘applicationId’
    • 3) Open drawable, drawable-hdpi, drawable-xxhdpi directory and change app icon
    • 4) Open string.xml and change ‘app_ad_id’, ‘banner_ad_unit_id’ and ‘interstitial_ad_unit_id’ by your own Ad id. If you don’t want to enable fullscreen/interstitial ad then you can remove ‘interstitial_ad_unit_id’ and relevant java code
    • 5) Build, test, create signed apk and publish:

    Product tags

      • 6 month free support included from author
      • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
      • 360 degrees quality control
      Secure payment & money back guarantee

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