Single Station Online Radio App Source Code | with Admob Ads.

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by paksofttech308


Single Station Online Radio is an app with which you can listen live radio on android device. Listen your favorite Radio Station Live in your mobile phone with this Android application on your Android device.Also built at top of Android Studio with a Modern Unique user interface, and easy to navigate through the app. The app comes with the two types of Admob Ads,Interstitial Ad,Banner Ad.

  1. RTL and all other streams support.
  2. Check Network Availability.
  3. Navigation Menu.
  4. Ads-Networks.
  5. Material Design.
  6. Modern Unique user interface
  7. Translucent Blur Layout Design.
  8. Easy to reskin.
  9. Twitypes of Admob ads
  10. Latest SDK Version 31+


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• Contact
If you have any questions, problems or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. I will try to answer you as quickly as possible. Whatsapp No: +923014250776. Email address:

• Changelog
(v1.0.1) 19/10/2022 – Social Media buttons Added.
(v1.0.0) 05/10/2022 – Initial Release

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