Simple World - Flutter Facebook Clone Full Application with Admin Panel

by certainity
Simple World - Flutter Facebook Clone Full Application with Admin Panel Flutter Chat & Messaging Mobile App template


Simple World

Simple World is a Social App built in Flutter and Firebase which can be used for both Android and IOS platforms. This application can be used to make post , chat with other users and can be logged in using email or google accounts.

This application is compatible with Flutter 2.10.1 and above, it is built with null safety


  • An Operating System (MacOS X, Windows)
  • An IDE with Flutter SDK installed ( Android Studio, Visual Studio Code)
  • Knowledge of Dart and Flutter to Edit and Modify
  • Able to Understand English Language

App Features:

  • Email Signup and Google Login.
  • Posts Images and Text
  • Upload Videos and PDF
  • Users can Chat with each other.
  • Story System
  • People You May Know
  • Discovery
  • Profile account with edit capability.
  • Change profile picture.
  • Comment and React System
  • Follow System
  • Push Notification via FCM.
  • Google Ad mob Integration.
  • Multiple Photo Upload to post.
  • Dark Theme.
  • Simple UI.
  • Multi Language.

Can customize the app by just following the step by step documentation provided with the files

What will you get:

  • Source Code of Flutter App
  • Source Code of Admin Panel
  • Documentation Files in English
  • All the New Updates

Demo apk

Current Version : 1.17

download apk

Current Version in Google Play: 1.15.0

download apk googleplay

Demo User

Password: Demouser

Demo video

Preview Images

Preview 1

Preview 2

Preview 3

Preview 4

Preview 5

Preview 6

Have any Question?

Email: Skype: stupendous-one

Upcoming Features

  • Web App

Feedback and Bugs Reporting Form

Feedback Form


V1.17 | 13/04/2022
- Admin Panel added
- Bug fixes
V1.16 | 11/03/2022
- Group Chat Added
- Android 12 support added
- Bug fixes
V1.15 | 16/02/2022
- Flutter Updated to V2.10.1
- Multi Language Support Added 
- Location Pick Added 
- Bug fixes
V1.14.1 | 23/01/2022
- Bug fixes
V1.14 | 22/01/2022
- Message Count Added
- Bug fixes
V1.13.1 | 15/01/2022
- Added Image and Video  compression 
- Bug fixes
V1.13 | 07/01/2022
- Added Transition in Story System
- Added Video Story
- Added more Reactions
- Reaction Count bug fixed
- Comment Count bug fixed
- Tabbar theme update, colored icon when tab is selected
- Added Activity Feed Count 
- Other Bug fixes
V1.12 | 11/12/2021
- Multi Image Upload
- Reaction System
- Comment Count
- Admob New Codes
- Bug fixes
V1.11 | 23/11/2021
- IOS version added
- Bug fixes
V1.10 | 11/11/2021
- Dark theme added
- Bug fixes
V1.9 | 06/11/2021
- Bug fixes
- Upload Video and Pdf Function added
V1.8 | 27/10/2021
- Added a Menu
- Moved Discover Page to the Menu
- Added Stories Page in Menu
- Bug fixes
V1.7 | 14/10/2021
- Added Suggested users within timeline posts
- New Design
- Bug fixes
V1.6 | 03/10/2021
- Bug fixes
V1.5 | 02/10/2021
- Email and Password login added
- New Design
- Bug fixes
V1.4 | 14/09/2021
- Admob Ads added
- New Design
- Bug fixes
V1.3 | 07/09/2021
- New Design
- Bug fixes
V1.2 | 25/08/2021
- Added Story System
- Added All Users Page
- Added All Users Post Page
- New Design
- Bug fixes
Version 1.1 10/08/2021
- New Design
- Bug fixes

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    • 360 degrees quality control
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