Simple React Native Chat App Based on Expo for iOS, Android and Web with Backend

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by weeego
Simple React Native Chat App Based on Expo for iOS, Android and Web with Backend React native Chat & Messaging Mobile App template



  • Support platforms: iOS, Android, Web
  • Push notifications for iOS, Android and Web
  • Clean design
  • Snap to close keyboard in conversation screen
  • Real time messaging
  • Autoloading history
  • No legacy code: built on modern technology – react native, expo, MongoDB typescript, graphql, apollo state management and more

Web preview:


  • TypeScript
  • React Native
  • NodeJS
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB

React Native

Apps written on TypeScript, React Native version 0.61.5 and Expo version 37.0.10.
For state management used Apollo Cache.
For data types used GraphQL Code Generator.


Used technologies: NodeJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Redis, MongoDB. All resolvers typed. All database queries are optimized and built on aggregation. Socket server designed as a separate microservice, this allows to replicate it.

Do you need a Starter Kit?

Our goal is to allow people to integrate chat features into their existing products, as this saves time. In addition, this product can be the basis for any type of application, because the architecture makes it easy to scale and modify it for any needs. You do not need to get involved with code performance. Many components are optimized for performance. The server part is easily scalable even on weak hardware, which saves resources. Many components and logic can be reused. Based on this product, there is everything to quickly start making any functionality. This is a quick start for any team. Those who need to move fast understand the value. And those who worked in large distributed teams understand the value of a well-built architecture.

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