ShopNx - Angular8 Single Page Shopping Cart Application

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by itswadesh
ShopNx - Angular8 Single Page Shopping Cart Application    Shopping Carts


Ecommerce web app using Angular8 + NodeJS + MongoDB

Working on the bleeding edge technology VueJS 2.0 (Arialshop) and make new versions rather quickly, so the old versions are getting old fast. The new(vuejs) version loads twice fast as this and feels breeze to work with. The learning curve is so smooth and the framework has better scalability

Update 26-May-2020

  • Added an linting processor and prettier
  • Upgraded all packages
  • Fixed some small update bugs

Update 12-Oct-2019

  • Upgrade to Angular – v8
  • New script: `yarn live` for deploy to heroku

Update 16-Nov-2017

    1. Upgraded to Angular-8
    2. Migrated to angular-cli

Update 24-Oct-2017

    1. Simplified deployment process
    Run `npm run prod` and copy files from dist folder to the production server. That’s all
    2. Advanced search feature
    Now any field can be searched through filter box (Previously it was only name)


  • Based on Angular Material
  • PayPal payment api already integrated into the app so that you can start accepting payments from clients along with Cash On Delivery(COD) payment option
  • OAUTH Login ( local, facebook ,google, twitter )
  • Multi vendor: The store is simple multi-vendor enabled through which it can allow multiple sellers with their own product and product images
  • Product variants: This can accommodate multiple product variants for a single product with unique image, dimension and price
  • Wishlist: It has inbuilt wish list which can be enabled / disabled and through which users can add products to the list which they wish to buy later
  • Reviews and Ratings: Any user is enabled to add reviews and ratings for a product
  • Emails: User get notification to their email on order placed, order updated, forgot/reset password
  • Image Upload: Users, Vendors, Managers, Admins can upload images of product as well as for their own profile.
  • Responsive shop frontend for different device screen size
  • Enter your PayPal app ID into settings, add products and start selling with no matter of time. This has got inbuilt multi currency support with currency conversion feature
  • Developed using the most popular MEAN which has a Rest API based architecture with high scalability.
  • Inbuilt authentication mechanism with role based user access and user management
  • Most of the components are based on Google Material design guidelines which gives you a responsive, bold and accessible design with great amount of user interactivity
  • Integration of emails at different levels like Order Placement, Forgot/Reset password gives a secure as well as informative feeling
  • The modular application structure gives you enormous ability to modify, test and deploy easily
  • Ability to manage discount coupons on cart total
  • With integrated drag and drop image upload it’s easy to manage the images for the whole shop
  • Role based user management for both client and server side e.g. User, Manager, Administrator
  • Now an email is sent as soon as a order is placed or payment failed
  • Mobile Centered Material Designed components
  • Flex based page layouts
  • Directly select image for a product from the media gallery
  • Now Clone any brand, country, shipping, coupon to save time
  • Drag and drop category management
  • Support for additional currencies beyond US Dollars from a single settings page
  • Forgotten password of a user or shop manager can be retrieved with a encryption based email service
  • A tiny little popup window for anybody to reach the store owner with any grievance or suggestions
  • Now PayPal integration is more powerful with the managed payment status

Store Front

  • The MEAN Stack ecommerce with Material Design
  • A whole ecommerce application created using Angular4 as front end
  • The backend (server side) is backed with the awesome NodeJS framework for better speed and wide extensions support with a very large community base
  • The document based No_SQL database used for faster communication and more efficiency
  • Industry standard application module structure
  • SPA created with the power of Angular
  • Instant and single page advance checkout system
  • Option to save inactive product for publishing later
  • Additional product details in key/value list which need to be highlighted in the product details page
  • Advanced features like Multiple brands selector, Product type filter, price slider
  • Integrated social media login
  • Reset and Change Password option
  • Email service for queries/suggestions/grievances through popup contact form

Store Backoffice

  • Products, Categories, Brand, Order Management from admin panel with easy directives
  • Manage Order and Change Status from admin panel
  • Facility for Multiple product variants (size, color, price, image)
  • Secure and quality code – Takes care all single page web app standards
  • Securely built and prevent security attacks
  • Generates CRUD pages automatically from database.
  • NodeJS based ReST API architecture
  • Integrated material designed date picker for date fields
  • Code is Modular, Maintainable, Well Structured, Easy to customize, Production Ready
  • Automatically generates dropdowns, datepickers, number field, toggle switch based on field types
  • Easily export the table as Excel, JSON, txt format

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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