Shop POS - Sales and Inventory Management (POS System)

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by pekrxprod


Login Form

Shop POS - Sales and Inventory Management (POS System) - 1


Shop POS – Sales and Inventory Management (POS System) - is a Modern, simple and easy-to-use management system which is developed by C# using SQL Server. This system allows you to manage Sales and Inventory of your Company.

Shop POS – Sales and Inventory Management (POS System) – has an easy Admin and User(Cashier) Dashboard pages that gives you Full Control to Manage Employees, Users, Products, Categories, Dealers(Suppliers) & Customers, Inventor and Transactions, Purchases and Sales. 

You will get

  • Full C# Project with Source Code
  • SQL Server DB File

Main Features

  • Manage Employees, Users, Manage Dealers & Customers
  • Manage Categories, Products, Inventor, Transactions
  • Reports – Employees, Users, Products, Dealers & Customers, Inventor & Transaction.
  • User Access Role

                Admin Dashboard Page includes

  • Manage Employees
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Products
  • Manage Dealers & Customers
  • Manage Inventor
  • Manage Transactions
  • Tools Form

               User(Cashier) Dashboard Page includes

  • POS System(Manage Purchase & Sale)
  • Manage Dealers & Customer
  • Manage Inventor
  • Tools Form


                 POS System(Manage Purchase & Sale) Includes

  • Search Product in DataBase by Product ID or Name
  • Automatically Increase Product Quantity in Inventory (Purchase Time)
  • Automatically Decrease Product Quantity in Inventory (Sale Time)
  • Calculate Grand Total and Return Amount



  • Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019


User/Password for Login

         Admin Dashboard Page

  • Username: admin 
  • Password: admin

        User(Cashier) Dashboard Page

  • Username: user
  • Password: user


In the Description file is explained in details how to Load and config this project in SQL Server and Visual Studio.


Change Log

--- Changelog ---
Change Log v 1.1
- New Login System
- New UI
- New Dashboard Functions(contains: Daily Sales, Monthly Sales, Total Sales, Product Variety, Product Quantity In Stock, Critical Items)
- Added Critical Items tab in Warehouse
- Fixed Added Products Table after Transaction
- Fixed bugs

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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