Sexy Slider

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by aeroalquimia


SexySlider is a JQuery plugin that lets you easily create powerful javascript Sliders with very nice transition effects. Enhance your website by adding a unique and attractive slider!


  • Auto slide
  • Continuous sliding
  • Image captions
  • Flexible configuration
  • 6 Transitions effects

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1.4 (Jun 14 2010)
* param titleStyle added.
* event onComplete added.
* event onSlideshowEnd added.
* event TitleShow added.
* event TitleHide added.

1.3 (Mar 27 2010)
* Added fade transition effect
* Better 'alternate' direction

1.2 (Feb 26 2010)
* param titlePosition added.

1.1 (Feb 22 2010)
* Now you can link each image (beta).
* param AutoPause added.
* Fixed documentation.
* Added minified version.

1.0 (Feb 13 2010)
* First release with a version number.

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