Sabrosito Food Delivery App - Flutter Design Template

by meridians


Sabrocito Food Delivery App UIKit

This is Sabrocito Food Delivery App UIKit. Using this you can make a beautiful and elegant Food Delivery App.

Food Delivery App

If you plan to create a Food Delivery App on the Android and iOS platforms, this is the perfect solution for your needs. This UI Kit includes the below-mentioned screens:

  1. Launchscreen
  2. Login
  3. OTP Verification
  4. Sign up
  5. Add Address
  6. Dashboard
  7. Menu
  8. Product Details
  9. Cart
  10. Checkout
  11. Order Success
  12. Profile
  13. Help
  14. Favorites
  15. Notification
  16. Payments and Refunds
  17. FAQs
  18. Coupons
  19. Edit Profile

Don’t worry, this customizable UIKit is also optimized for iPad and tablet screens. So you don’t need to bother about iPad and tablet screens. You will love the well-organized and easy-to-understand code that comes with the Sabrosito App UIKit, whether you are an experienced developer or just getting started.

Taking your food delivery app to the next level is easier than ever with the Sabrosito Food Delivery App UIKit!

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  • Full Flutter Source Code
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