In this app, First Restaurant owners have to add their restaurants. Owner have to add all required data like Name, phone, image, address, and location.
Users can see all restaurants and can book tables in it. For booking, the user have to select date, time, and person.
Then Owner will give permission to the user for their booking.
Users can see status(Approved/Rejected/Pending) of booking.
Users can give ratings and reviews to restaurants. All users can see that ratings and reviews.
Owners can see ratings and reviews of their restaurants.
Users can call to restaurant owner. User can see all restaurants nearby in the map.
Also, users can redirect in google map.
When user will book table owner will get a notification.
And when owner gives permission user will get a notification.
Here is the live demo link for our application Demo
- Android, iOS Support
- Android Mobile App: Built on Flutter 3
- Null Safety Support
- Compatible with flutter and dart latest versions
- Simple and Minimalist Design
- Fast and smooth design that does not affect performance!
- Easy and readable Dart codes!
- Fast, Lightweight
- Responsive Design
- Easily Customisable
- 20+ Screens
- Table booking
- Rating and Review
- Booking status
- Map
- Notification
- Call Mail Website and Map Launcher from APP