Recipes App Full Android Application

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by codecanyon
Recipes App Full Android Application Android  Mobile Full Applications


Recipes App is a mobile recipe system which run under Android platform that used for your own recipe application. This app working based on Google Firebase Database which using control panel as backend to manage recipe item and all related with content in this application..

App Features

  • Simple, clean and intuitive user interface
  • Amazing and minimal design
  • Recipes are stored in the Firebase database.
  • Google AdMob interstitial
  • Fully step by step documentation
  • 100% Ready to style and publish on Google Play
  • Easy to re-skin
  • Beautiful and professional looking design
  • Nice and material Android native design
  • List of cool resources to use
  • Super lightweight application


Recipes App Full Android Application - 1

iOS Version Available

Recipes App Full Android Application - 2

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