Quick Scanner is a complete solution for all your QR needs and is written in Kotlin language. It consists of not only QR scanner but also varaious options to generation QR as well. It limits to not only QR but also has barcode scanner as well as document scanner. It is easy to use & customize, design & code quality, flexibility, tons of premade options to generate QR. These are the outstanding features and quality to make us stand out from the crowd.
This application has simple coding structure, clean features, modern and unique design which will help your andrid application to be more beautiful as well as unique. This application was built using Kotlin programming language and XML for designing.
Simply Type any texts in the text qr generator and get instant qr code for it.
Need to generate a QR code for your website or any other sites? Look no further, just paste or type the URL in the URL QR code generator and simply generate the QR for your desired website.
Just enter your details and generate your very custon Visiting Card QR. Share your visiting card quicky with anyone anywhere.
Lets face it, We all have difficulty remembering our Wi-Fi password. Here is a simple solution for you, just type your SSID and password (once) and hit the generate button, You will have a QR that will never make you have to remember your Wi-Fi passowrd ever again. Just save the QR and anytime anyone asks you the password, just tell them to scan the QR code. Its that easy.
Sending Emails could not have been more FUN than this. Just type the email to whom you need to send it to, the subject and the message. Generate QR code for it. Anytime you need to send the same email just scan this qr code and your job is that much more easy.
Share your twitter post or your twiiter profile from your very own custom QR code. Show your sophistication with your simplicity.
Generating a QR code for your location could not have been more easier than this. Just click on the map of where you need to generate the QR code of and simply click on the generate button. No need to type latitude or longitude anymore.
Generate any type of SMS QR in a simple and easy way.
Sometimes in a single day you need your different documents scanned multiple times. In that situation if everything is planned you will definitely not suffer more. But if the need to scan that document arises one by one it will be a disaster for sure.
To rescue you from that situation we bring you a portable Doc Scanner as well. This Doc scanner you let you scan your documents anytime anywhere.
Never will you have to generate the same QR codes more than once. This applcation saves all your QR codes and will show them in a list which will make it easier for you find it and get the QR code anywhere anytime.
google sans
Simple Line Icons
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May 17, 2022 -Crash issue fixed while saving qr codes
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