Native Android App built-in Android Studio
Poker is a family of comparing card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game’s rules.It is accepted by world wide.
Easily Customisable – This is the complete product well tested and well organized but still our team is working to improve this. Anyone can get code and if he has programming knowledge he can change it as per their requirements. But if you want to launch this app Yes you can launch because this is a complete set of 9 games. Don’t Buy from any other place they will not provide any support. This app requires support to start. You can directly connect at
Technology: – It is totally developed in such a way that you can easily customize it with simple code. Here we are using Native Android code to develop it anyone can change its UI and feature. Also can run very easily with Android Studio with minimal memory in your system.
APP Features:
- Splace Screen
- Login with Mobile and Password
- Forget Password
- Register
- Referral Up to 3 levels Or Can make up to 1 level
- Daily Bonus managed from Admin Panel
- Manage Profile
- KYC Update managed from Admin Panel
- Profile Picture Update
- Page Refresh Option for Wallet
- Add Coin option from app Dynamic
- Refer and Earn Option Managed from Admin Panel
- History. - Game History, Redeems, Transactions
- Setting Option - Sound On off feature , Privacy Policy , Help , Terms & Conditions ,
- Support , All content Managed from Admin Panel , logout option
- Real Cash Game
- Powerful Admin panel to manage all games in One Place
- Java and XML (Native Code) (Front end)
- PHP Code Ignitor(CI) (Backend Server)
- Connection with the server via simple REST API
- Limited and Unlimited Game Play
- As usual maximum of 5 Players can play but you can increase as per your requirement
- Push Notification (Auto as well as manual)
- Admin sets 5% commission if the player wins He can manage from admin for all games
- Power full history for all games.
- Manage User balance from Admin Panel
- Purchase coins with Razor Pay/Paytm/Cashfree payment gateway(Can change with anyone) and Whatsapp via Payment option.
- Waiting Room
- Player Management
- Payment Methods (Razorpay for UPI, Debit & Credit cards, NetBanking)
- Leader Board
- Setting(Sound, Learn Variation, How to Play, Privacy Policy, Terms and Condition, Help, and Support, Logout)
- Profile Update.
- Firebase Integration for Analytics and Push Notification
- Purchase history management
- Option for $, Rupee and coin Option from admin panel.
- Dynamic options for all features can manage from Admin Panel.
- APK Demo
- You can register with your mobile number and Use OTP – 9999 if it is not coming on your mobile.
- Here we have added one Robot to play with you if you want to play with multiplayer please use another mobile and join on the same table.
Admin Panel Demo:
We have added mostly all features in the panel where you can manage it.
Extended Version Feature
- Private Table (You can invite anyone to play with you.)
- Custom Table (You can create as your choice of bet value)
Note: To Get an Extended version code Please mail us at with the purchase code.
You will receive a code when you purchase:
- Android Studio Code(Native App)
- Php CI Code for API
- PHP CI Admin Panel
Maintenance (Server & Database):
- Linux-based any VPS or Cpanel
- Php installed with curl on and Apache Mysql or Nginx or MariaDB
Development Tools:
- Java Android and XML
- Php Ci and Bootstrap HTML 5

