Phone verification with OTP - Flutter With Firebase | Ready to use boilerplate

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by AzkaSoft
Phone verification with OTP - Flutter With Firebase | Ready to use boilerplate Flutter  Mobile


Phone Verification with OTP – Flutter with Firebase

Get a ready-to-use boilerplate for phone verification with OTP in your Flutter app using Firebase. This solution provides a hassle-free way to authenticate users with the convenience of one-time password verification. The boilerplate code is easy to customize, ensuring seamless integration into your existing app. With this solution, you can focus on developing your app while taking advantage of the power of Firebase’s user authentication system.


  • Simple integration into Flutter apps
  • Quick and easy setup with Firebase
  • Phone verification with OTP for secure authentication
  • Built-in localization support
  • Clean and organized codebase with NullSafety
  • API Integration with bloc pattern
  • Customizable assets and Unique Design
  • Customizable code for personalized user experience
  • Ready-to-use solution for faster development
  • Fast and Efficient Performance
  • Dynamic Widget Structure
  • Complete documentation and customization guide (available after purchase)
  • Free and paid support

A complete usage manual and a developer guide are provided.

Whether you’re building a social media app, a finance app, or any other type of app that requires phone verification, this boilerplate will save you time and help you get started quickly. So why wait? Get your hands on this ready-to-use solution today!

Change Log

Version 0.2 (12 February, 2023)
  • Added Added documentation and developer manual.
  • Fixed Fixed issues with splash.
  • Improved Added more translation terms.
0.1 – Initial Release

Developer Website

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