Order Manager Apps for Vendors for Dokan Multivendor E-Commerce Website Using Ionic 5 Angular

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by hasanonline
Order Manager Apps for Vendors for Dokan Multivendor E-Commerce Website Using Ionic 5 Angular Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template


You own a WooCommerce and Dokan Powered Multivendor E-Commerce Website but could not find a best possible way to give your vendors a better way to manage their orders, view store summary as well as perform necessary actions like search orders, view order details, change order status and many more directly from Android iOS app with ease?

You are in the right place, here is the solution for all of your problems. Give the best experience to your vendors to manage their shop, attract more vendors to generate more revenue by selling more products.

Let’s clarify the purposes of this app:
If you own a WordPress WooCommerce powered E-Commerce website with a Multivendor environment implemented by Dokan plugin, then this app can bring you the ultimate relaxation for your vendors. They can simply login to this app directly from their Android iOS devices and track the details of their shops like shop summary, total sale, total revenue, list of all the orders from shop, view the order details with product quantity with other informations related to ordered items, billing address of the customer, shipping address of the customer, contact details of the customer, click on visible customer phone number to generate a mobile call, click on shipping address to open the address in the native map app installed in the device and so on.

A logged in vendor can change the order status on demand, filter the orders to see which orders are pending payment, which orders are ready for delivery, which orders are out for delivery which order’s delivery has been failed with proper reason of failure, which orders are delivered successfully.

This app has great live search features, on the order list page, all the orders listed there, every field of listed order is a searchable field. For Example, you can search the order using order number, status, customer name, order date or anything displayed there.

Another awesome function for your vendor is, if you use YITH barcode/QR Code generator plugin, then the vendor can simply scan the barcode/QR Code and get the order directly pulled from the database. Tapping on the order details button gonna take the vendor to the order details page.So, your vendor can do almost everything directly from the Android iOS apps. Due to ease of use and flexibility, you are going to get more vendors for your shop which will bring more revenue to your business.

App Demo: A PWA Version of Demo can be found here
Use Google Chrome or Firefox browser’s responsive design mode to get an experience about how does it look like.
If you want an installable APK for android to test in real device, please use my user page contact form here and leave a message with your email ID, I will send you an APK package as soon as possible.

The full source code will be provided with a complete developer documentation so that the app can be easily rebranded to your choice. Also you are open to offer me to personalize the app for you with new functions, enhancements, theming or anything that needs to meet your business standards. Please use my user page contact form here and leave a message with your email ID, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Key Features:

  1. Vendor can securely login to the app to view and manage his store orders
  2. Vendor can view all order lists on order page using Ion Infinite Scroll
  3. Vendor can search order using any visible order field
  4. Vendor can search order by scanning Barcode/QR code
  5. Vendor can view a summary of his store at store dashboard
  6. Vendor can see the details of the order including item details, quantity per item and so on.
  7. Vendor can generate a phone call to the customer phone number by tapping on the visible phone number
  8. Vendor can view the delivery location on map by tapping on “View Address On Map” button
  9. Vendor can change the status of any order
  10. Network plugin integrated to check if you have an active internet connection or not
  11. It shows you on screen message and asks you to connect to the network if you are out of internet connection.
  12. It has Ion pull to refresh feature to refresh content
  13. Pull refresh also helps you to refresh content once internet connection is back
  14. This app is ready to integrate with any WooCommerce Dokan based multi vendor Website



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It shows a summary of your shop.

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My Orders:

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In Details View of an Order:

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Change Order Status Button:

It will give you the option to change the order status.

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Scan Order:

This is a dedicated menu to scan and search an order directly from the database.

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This is a page pulls posts from a specific category of WordPress posts, you can add important help and announcement type of posts there.


Here you can place information about how a vendor should contact the site owner.


Vendor will be prompted for login to access personalised pages

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My Orders: This tab is actually the My Orders menu’s alias. Both are the same, added for ease of use.

Scan Order: This tab is actually the Scan Order menu’s alias. Both are the same, added for ease of use.

Dashboard: This tab is actually the Dashboard menu’s alias. Both are the same, added for ease of use.

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