Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC

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by opuslabworks
Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC   Mobile Native Web, Templates


Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 1

Online Banking, Wallet & Net Banking App Template

The My Banking template is a sleek and modern app that provides an efficient and user-friendly way for customers to manage their finances. This online banking app template allows users to transfer funds using various methods like direct banking, RTGS, and IMPS, among others. Additionally, users can check out loan offers available from banks. The My Banking template is highly customizable, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to develop their own banking app. The code quality is optimized, ensuring smooth functionality and easy customization for developers.

My Banking is online baking app template with 20+ screens.

List of Screens

User App Template Screens

  • Splash Screen
  • Sign in Screen
  • Sign up Screen
  • OTP verification Screen
  • Thumb Impression Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Fund Transfer Option Screen
  • Fund Transfer Screen
  • Add Beneficiary Screen
  • IMPS Screen
  • Transferred Successfully Screen
  • Transaction Screen
  • Loan Screen
  • Loan Statement Screen
  • List of Deposits Screen
  • Upload Deposit Screen
  • Account Screen
  • My Profile Screen
  • Nearby Bank and ATM Screen
  • FAQs Screen
  • Support Screen
  • Terms and Conditions Screen

  • <a href=” ”> Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 2

    <a href=” ”> Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 3

    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 4

    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 5 Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 6 Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 7 Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 8 Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 9

    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 10

    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 11

    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 12  
    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 13  
    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 14  
    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 15  
    Online Banking App | Wallet App | Net Banking App | Digital Bank App | My Banking | IONIC - 16  
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