OctopusCodes - Ajax AutoComplete Search

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by octopuscodes
OctopusCodes - Ajax AutoComplete Search Net   Forms


Product Description

OctopusCodes – Ajax AutoComplete Search is a ASP.NET MVC script . It have an elegant, simple and clean HTML Template. Easy to integrate you can use it on your site in minutes.

OctopusCodes – Ajax AutoComplete Search has an easy administration page that gives you full control for searching.

With our responsive, you will have your search form displayed correctly across a wide range of end-user devices and screen resolutions.

Main Features

  • Bootstrap Themes
  • Responsive Design
  • Live search in your SQL Server databse
  • Select search direction: Start with, End with, Contains and Equals
  • Display tooltip in search results
  • Display modal dialog for detail with search result
  • Ajax load results
  • Ajax pagination
  • Easy to integrate in your site
  • Select table from database need to search
  • Select columns for search conditions
  • Select columns need display in search result
  • Custom layout need display for search result: Tooltip, Modal, Result, and Detail
  • Change website name
  • Select display highlight in search result
  • Select display tooltip for search result
  • Select search directions
  • Select rows per pages
  • Select rows in autoComplete
  • Change admin profile


Live Demo


  • .NET Framework 4.0 or above
  • MS IIS 7/6
  • ASP.NET MVC 4.0 or above
  • MS SQL Server 2008 or above

Browser support

OctopusCodes – Ajax AutoComplete Search is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox

  • IE 8+
  • Chrome
  • FireFox 3+
  • Opera 11+
  • Safari 5+

Install Application

  1. Create new database on your hosting and run OC_SearchEverything.sql file. Create database user and assign dbo rights to the user.
  2. Unzip Main.zip file and upload to your hosting.
  3. Open Web.config file and change values of server name, database name,username and password in connectionStrings tag as below:
    • data source: your server name
    • initial catalog: your database name
    • user id: your username
    • password: your password
  4. Run website and login with default account:
    • Admin Panel (Admin access)
      Username: admin
      Password: admin

Product Support

If you have problems, questions, ideal, etc…Contact me via email octopuscodes@gmail.com Please contact us with any questions you may have via the contact form on my author profile page.

We will try our best to get your five star rating.


  • V1.0 Released – Jun 04, 2016

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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