NodeJS REST API Generator from MySQL + Postman Json + JWT Auth - Windows

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by gyanverma2
NodeJS REST API Generator from MySQL + Postman Json + JWT Auth - Windows


Automatically Create professional ready to use REST API from MySQL Database With Postman Docs and JWT Authentication in NodeJS

Quick & Free Email or Skype Support

Easy REST API Generator - NodeJS REST API Generator With JWT Token Automatic REST API Generator - NodeJS MySQL CRUD REST API With Postman MySQL REST API Generator - Node JS MySQL CRUD REST API

Online tutorials & videos

Includes Automatic Generated Postman Json for Quick Ready To Use API

What is NodeJS REST API Generator?

Created with the most trusted and popular JavaScript technologies, NodeJS REST API Generator is a powerful and intuitive solution to create REST API from MySQL.

With windows application it gives you flexibility to generate the REST API any number of times. Any modification in your database you have tool to generate the code again. No Installation required to run the API Generator

REST API Generator performs an in-depth analysis of your mysql database: all types of relationships between tables, primary and foreign keys, field types and values, validation, etc.

This intelligent analysis is used to pre-configure the options adapted to each endpoint of the generated REST API.

The generated code can be hosted to your cloud server or shared hosting cpanel and it will be ready to use within a minute of time.

Generator tool also generate the POSTMAN import file according to the REST API and help you to quickly start your testing.

Smart Database Analysis

  • Primary keys detection and interpretation
  • Secondary keys detection and interpretation
  • Detection of all types of relationships
  • Smart integration of internal/external relationships in CRUD
  • Smart field type detection and integration
  • Detection and integration of validation types
REST API Generator Video Demo Browse

Customer feedback :

Well, I’m not Web Developer. And with this tool I’m easily getting knowledge in Node, JWT token and how to create APIs for web. Thank you Nishant! And with this tool I’m easily
This tool is very helpful to us, it saves a lot of work, especially when you’re on a tight schedule. The support is great and very responsive as well, you don’t have to wait for so long Congrats man! Keep it up! More success to you. Thanks for this tool!
This is an awesome product, coupled with a great support from the publisher and the ease of usability… I strongly recommend this amazing product!
This is best product and the author gives best support at any time. Go for it. You will not regret. Its a developers word.


V3.4: 28th January 2023
 - Update fix for bit column
V3.3: 1st September 2022
 - JWT login fix
 - Update fix for postman file
 - Return data after insert
V3.2: 08th August 2022
- Update Patch - Added Validation
- Primary Key without auto increment will be handled now properly
- Get by foreign key column bug fix
- Binary data type handling
- Join query fix for null value in left table
- Code/Cleanup & security validation
V3.1: 23rd April 2022
 - Security update
-  Update body validation fix
 - Search fix
V3.0: 22nd April 2022
    - New & improved code base
    - Env file support
    - File uploads
    - One to many auto generated endpoints
    - SSL support
V2:4: 26th October 2021
        - Generate a patch endpoint (update only passed column) + Postman json updated accordingly
        - Some more help added for newbies
 V2:3: 18th October 2021
         - Try catch added
         - Encryption/Decryption updated to latest version
         - New endpoint added [e.g If you have products with category id as FK, 
           it will automatically create endpoint to get product by category id] cool? 
V2.2: 08nd December 2020 
         - Bug fixes for multiple primary key
 V2.1 - 03rd December 2020 
          - Multiple primary key bug fix
          - Search bug fixed
 V2.0: 25th November 2020 
       - Complete improvement of tool
       - Multiple primary key support
       - Search query fix
      - TotalNumber of records, PageNo, PageSize added to GetAll, Search endpoint
      - Postman Json improved
      - Exempt Table functionality added
      - All npm module upgraded to latest version
 V1.7:  2nd October 2020 - Bug fixes
           - Bug fix
           - Code improvement
 V1.0: - Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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