.NET Core Blazor - Content Management System

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by codecanyon


Host your own blog with the complete Content Management System created with .NET Core Blazor. It’s super easy to extend as it has been written with best practices and patterns (Clean Architecture)

- Production ready, use it either for learning purposes or for hosting your own blog!
- Extensive use of Entity Framework core with all types of relationships, SQL Server Views and Stored Procedures integration
- Multiple Blazor razor components build with MudBlazor UI


  • Create, edit and view posts, categories and tags (pagination supported)
  • Add comments and likes to posts
  • Integrated text editor!
  • Modals and notifications
  • Multiple roles registration support (Admin, Author, User)
  • User Authentication and Role Authorization
  • JWT secure authentication
  • Responsive UI with light and dark mode!
  • Multiple theme support with 2 themes provided out of the box
  • Effortless building of new themes
  • Clean architecture

Technology stack

  • ASP.NET Core Blazor (Currently .NET 7)
  • MudBlazor for a material responsive UI
  • Entity Framework Core & SQL Server
  • CQRS & Mediator pattern using MediatR
  • AutoMapper
  • Fluent validations
  • Forms validations


  • You will find instructions to configure your local database by simple defining your connection string
  • Seed data provided to help you start using the CMS with predefined admin, author and user accounts
  • Admin account: admin/admin
  • Author account: author/author
  • User account: user/user

Click on an item to start the presentation

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