Naturefulness - Android Relaxation Application

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by UtilityManDev
Naturefulness - Android Relaxation Application Unity Developer Tools Mobile App template


Welcome to the Naturefulness – amazing Android relaxation application! 

Naturefulness  is your personal guide to health, happiness and relaxation. The application can help you focus, breathe, stay calm, and create the conditions for a better night’s sleep by practicing relax meditation. When you need some stress relief or lessons on creating a better sleep cycle, Naturefulness can help!

Slow down, take a deep breath… how are you feeling, what are you thinking? 

Naturefulness application teaches you how to breathe, meditate, and live mindfully.

  • High quality audio content
  • Simple, clean and intuitive user interface
  • Stunning and minimal design
  • Fast and native media player
  • Incredible fast GIF animation loader
  • Specially designed breath exercise
  • Google AdMob banner and interstitial 
  • In-App purchase to remove ads
  • Fully step by step illustrated documentation 
  • 100% Ready to style and publish on PlayMarket
  • Incredible easy to re-skin
  • Beautiful and professional looking design
  • High Quality image assets
  • Pre-installed database structure for the audio and animation content
  • Native libraries to load url audio inside the application
  • Manage new content with incredible ease within Google Firebase
  • Firebase Push Notifications
  • Google Firebase application analytics 
  • Nice and minimal Android native design
  • List of cool resources to use
  • Super lightweight application



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