MyTodo- Todo List Flutter App

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by livecodes
MyTodo- Todo List Flutter App Flutter  Mobile Uikit


With Todo app, you can keep track of everything – from simple errands like shopping, to your most ambitious projects – start getting things done.


  • Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows)
  • Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc)
  • A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter
  • A brain to think


A todo list you’d actually stick to because it’s so simple and easy to use.

▸ Easily add and remove tasks

▸ Organize tasks under categories.

▸ Personalize task category using color and icon.


MyTodo- Todo List Flutter App - 1


if you have any questions relating to this app. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist, contact with me via my codecanyon Profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much ….Thank you.
Thats it! Keep it simple

Version 1.2 (November/16/2019)
  • Added ability to edit task card
  • Version 1.1 (September/6/2019)
  • Added full admob banner ads system.
  • Added privacy page.
  • updated documentation.html file.
  • fixed androidX incompatible error
  • Fixed 1+ bugs.
  • Version 1.0 (September/5/2019)
  • First Release..
  • Product tags

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