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MySpy 1.0 - Android studio

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by nandotuc17
MySpy 1.0 - Android studio Android  Mobile App template


This app is perfect for you who want to monitor your cell in case of loss or theft or create your own tracking system, who knows how to create other related applications such as applications that capture the person’s photo if you move the app with the wrong password, Anyway .. this app has unlimited applications, stay free to make your own customization.

This app include: Android Files and PHP Files.


  1. Get photo Front and Back cam.
  2. Get Location
  3. Send photo and location for your email:
  4. System auto open services if app stop.
  5. Initialize with system on boot.
  6. Upload photo with password.
  7. Initialize app with Dialer
  8. Disable sound cam easy
  9. Hide icon app / Optional
  10. Protect app as admin with admin device: Disable the Force Stop and Uninstall button.
  11. Take pictures in a silent and imperceptible way.
Account onesignal / Include in Documentation Firebase account / Include in Documentation Android studio 2.3 Host for PHP files compileSdkVersion 25 buildToolsVersion “25.0.2” MOto G1 XT1033 Android (4.4.4) api 19 Others have not been tested but it seems to work fine on the devices of other clients and friends. If you buy and test on your cell phone I can include it here.

We will be adding new features soon because we are still running some tests and checking the demand for new services.

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