Movie Android for Phone, Tablet, TV box

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by suusoft
Movie Android for Phone, Tablet, TV box



  • Get movies by category
  • View movie detail with related video list
  • Watching movie
  • Smart watching mode: choose another movie when you are watching
  • View movie detail when the user is watching
  • Searching
  • Support phone, tablet, Android box
  • Backend CMS: manage movie and categories
  • Admob feature
User or email: admin
Password: 123456

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Change Log

* Release version v1.2.5:
- Fixed bug: pagging on the admin.
Release version v1.2.4: - Fixed loading movies unlimited - Fixed android 10 - Upgrade to android studio 3.5
Release version v1.2.2: - Enable change password feature on the Admin - Fixed the search feature

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
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    • 360 degrees quality control
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