WoWonder Timeline is a social timeline application for WoWonder PHP Social Network, with WoWonder Timeline users can Post & Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more , now using the application is easier, and more fun !
WoWonder Timeline is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
- [Added] Recent Donation in Funding.
- [Added] Thumbnail Video when creating Story.
- [Added] Ability Create Blog.
- [Added] Bank Transfer to Funding.
- [Added] Ability to show Images in Products.
- [Added] Post type TikTok.
- [Added] Post type on Clicking OneSignal Notification.
- [Added] Support for the App updated by google play.
- [Added] Deep Links to App Content.
- [Added] Click on the post user name.
- [Fixed] Add New Post in a user profile.
- [Fixed] Show replies Count in comment.
- [Fixed] Crash issue on friend request.
- [Fixed] Show Jobs issue.
- [Fixed] Stories Progress View.
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
- [Added] AOT custom profile.
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs
- [Added] 23 New APIs in the project.
- [Added] RazorPay , PayStack , CashFree Payments.
- [Added] User Reactions on comments.
- [Added] Ability to view my funding.
- [Added] Ability to open cover and avatar image.
- [Added] To switch playtube and vimo from embed player to links.
- [Added] Swipe Refresh in profile , pages , groups.
- [Improved] Spalsh screen loading time.
- [Update] for multiple packages and framworks.
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs
- [Added] IOS New Update View Log
- [Added] Powerfull cach system for news feed.
- [Added] Extra user info in user profile page.
- [Added] Ability to view story count number.
- [Added] Ability to check Membership system after creating a new account.
- [Added] Donate code in Funding page.
- [Added] Gif animinated Reaction icons.
- [Added] Filter Section on news feed.
- [Added] Ability to Review the App in Google play.
- [Improved] Upgrade C# to 8.0.
- [Improved] Spalsh screen loading time.
- [Fixed] 35+ Reported bugs
- [Added] Voice Recorder on add post.
- [Added] Reaction system on Comment, reply.
- [Fixed] 6+ Reported bugs
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs on DoughouzLight Forum
- [Added] Ability to view comments on news feed.
- [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs
- [Added] Ability for funding to (edit ,delete ,copy , share).
- [Added] Ability to view count of shared post.
- [Added] Ability to play recorded voice on news feed.
- [Added] Ability to retry Api HTTP exception using Polly.
- [Added] Infinity endless scrolling.
- [Added] Sub categories.
- [Added] Support for custom fields.
- [Improved] News feed post rendering.
- [Improved] Memory allocation for images and objects.
- [Improved] Application battery usage.
- [Improved] News feed scroll faster 40%.
- [Improved] Image cach system .
- [Improved] Apk size and drawable images.
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs
- Works with WoWonder PHP v3.1 and up
- [Released] IOS Timeline Native.
- [Added] Full Offer system.
- [Added] Ability to view Live video posts.
- [Added] New Empty state animations.
- [Added] Invitation links .
- [Added] Ability to download my information .
- [Added] Event going and interested section .
- [Added] Past Event and invited events section .
- [Added] Skrill Payment system .
- [Added] Ability for Voice Comment .
- [Added] Ability To Search For Posts .
- [Added] Nearby Business .
- [Added] Nearby Shops.
- [Added] Ability For Balance Withdrawals.
- [Added] Facebook ads monetization.
- [Added] Ability to view anonymous posts.
- [Added] Facebook audience network ads.
- [Added] Ability to view suggested users.
- [Added] Ability to add VAT ads on videos.
- [Added] Memories Section.
- [Added] Ability to view Comments Status (Disable ,Enable ) .
- [Added] Ability to set admin on pages and groups .
- [Added] Ability for users to post on pages.
- [Added] New Bottom Navigation Bar Design
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs
- [Added] progress uplaod on story page.
- [Added] ability to show rewarded ads videos.
- [Added] ability to swipe photos view in “My Images”.
- [Added] Wake lock when watching videos.
- [Added] progress bar during multimedia uploading files.
- [Added] like and comment options for products.
- [Added] ability to create album from the add Post page.
- [Added] ability to view all types of pols in news feed.
- [Fixed] add post system reported bugs
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
- [Added] on post news feed Privacy Icon.
- [Added] ability to load faster stories.
- [Added] open directly movies post.
- [Fixed] 8+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
- [Added] support for android version 10.
- [Added] full wallet system .
- [Added] ability to view my points.
- [Added] adult +18 blur image system.
- [Added] ability to invite friends.
- [Added] ability to check allowed file sharing.
- [Added] badge count on message section.
- [Update] from package to .Net reference system.
- [Update] for multiple packages and framworks.
- [Update] for new google sdk 29 requirements.
- [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
- [Added] sound effect when posting a post .
- [Update] for multiple packages and framworks.
- [Fixed] 13+ Reported bugs between last version and now.
- [Added] New UI design for Jobs and Funing and more tab.
- [Added] Cross App Authentication.
- [Added] dark mode on android sdk 10.
- [Fixed] Login via Google using last API released.
- [Fixed] 13+ reported bugs between last version and now.
- Works with WoWonder PHP v2.5.1.
- [Fixed] 7+ reported bugs between last version and now.
- [Fixed] 5+ reported bugs.
- [Fixed] bugs in API.
- [Added] Dark Theme UI.
- [Added] video fast preload system during scroll.
- [Added] ability to pay using paypal and skrill.
- [Added] ability to view Game section.
- [Added] ability to view comments on products.
- [Added] ability to pay using In app billing for [EXTENDED] license.
- [Added] the ability to send messages to pages.
- [Added] the ability to rate pages.
- [Added] the ability to add social links on pages.
- [Added] the ability to offer jobs in pages..
- [Added] the ability to display action buttons in pages.
- [Added] the ability invite user to pages and groups.
- [Added] ability to control privacy of groups and pages.
- [Added] the ability to accept or decline a group chat invitation.
- [Added] job system, users can now create jobs and hire.
- [Added] ability to delete owned groups and pages.
- [Added] ability to make admins in pages and groups.
- [Added] the ability to view reviews on pages.
- [Added] ability to view my videos.
- [Added] ability to manage login sessions.
- [Added] two-factor authentication system using email or phone.
- [Added] ability to boost pages.
- [Added] suggested group section in news feed.
- [Added] common things page, now you can find users that matches your information.
- [Added] funding system, users can create funds, and get paid.
- [Added] the ability to manage pro packages name, icon, features, prices.
- [Added] ability to make admins in pages and groups.
- [Added] 12+ More extra features.
- [Fixed] 20+ reported bugs.
- [Fixed] bugs in API.
- [Improved] speed.
- [Added] Native ADMOB Ads between news feed posts
- [Improved] Startup Tracing Faster lunch for the app by 40%
- [Improved] Decreased Apk size to 50%.
- [Added] ability play video full screen
- [Added] ability to see video views
- [Added] ability to drag and play the sound post from drag position
- [Fixed] magor design issues and toolbars
- [Fixed] 16+ Reported bugs during 9 august to 23 august.
- [Added] ability to view ADS on news feed
- [Added] Deslike and Wonder system on post
- [Added] ability to post 3 and more images
- [Added] ability to swipe left and right on albums
- [Added] ability to click on mention links
- [Added] ability to edit post
- [Fixed] profile layout broken when disabling a points feature
- [Fixed] 22+ Reported bugs during 18 july to august 9.
- Fixed 26+ Reported bugs.
- For Main PHP scipt version 2.3.3 and up.
- Fixed empty session.
- [Added] 2 factor authentication system
- Full post news feed native system.
- [Added] Pokes system.
- [Added] ability to send Gifs .
- [Added] ability to display user points.
- [Added] ability to display good after noon messages.
- [Added] ability to display announcements.
- [Added] Poly framework try and retry function for api.
- [Added] Color box post type
- [Added] ability to display popular posts
- [Added] ability to filter search of products by nearby
- [Added] ability to filter search of nearby users
- [Added] ability to see a green online button on profile
- [Added] ability to display market item list of images
- [Added] ability to zoom on images
- [Added] ability to display all kind of notifcations
- [Added] ability to display group Join requests
- [Added] native youtube player
- [Added] native and auto play for Expo player
- [Added] ability to comment natively
- [Added] ability to add users to family
- [Added] ability to read more / read less
- [Added] ability to Reply on comments natively
- [Added] reaction system on like button
- [Added] native share to buttom sheet
- [Added] ability to boost post
- [Added] ability to fetch new posts every few minuts
- [Improved] Image cach loading
- [Improved] sql connections
- [Improved] Api requests speed
- [Improved] Recyclerview loading prefetch
- Fixed Reported 20+ bugs.
- [Added] 19 + features .
- New Configration for OneSignal.
- Compaitble with new Wowonder PHP Version 2.2.
- Fixed Reported 3+ bugs.
- Fast scroll improvment on market.
- Fixed login exeption type c.
- Fixed Reported 3+ bugs.
- For Main PHP scipt version 2.3 and up.
- Fixed Story bugs.
- Fixed Scroll on product page.
- Added ability to post Polls .
- increasement on Performance .
- Fixed duplicated post .
- Fixed Reported 10+ bugs.
- For Main PHP scipt version 2.2 and up.
- Fixed Story bugs.
- Added full strings tranclate .
- Added auto restart on crash.
- Fixed profile image not loading.
- Fixed onesignal issues.
- Fixed Reported 10+ bugs.
- For Main PHP scipt version 2.1 and up.
- Added Social Logins.
- Added Reaction system.
- Added 10+ New Features.
- Fixed Reported 20+ bugs.
- New Doc Update.
- Code Rebuild from scratch.
- Android SDK Upgrade to 8.1.
- Secured the app for illegal uses.
- Added New UI Design .
- Ability to distribute app with 64-bit support.
- Added Translucent view for user profiles.
- Added ability to post files.
- Added ability to post Music.
- Added ability to post Giffy images.
- Added ability to post Location.
- Added ability to display cached news feed .
- Added ability for offset mode.
- Added Interstitial ADS.
- Added GDPR & Data Privacy .
- Added Story/Status and view.
- Added Contact us and invite users page.
- Redesign of Login and register pages.
- Added settings preferences screens.
- Added Animation on the tabbed pages.
- Added Animation for buttons/images.
- Added Oreo 8 notification channels.
- Added auto link text for Emails , Mention,Hashtags
- Added Image cropper and rotate system.
- Added Ability to add video background.
- Added Ability to delete account.
- Added Ability To Report posts.
- Added Interstitial Admob Banners.
- Added Google Ad Sense Network system.
- Added Google VAST-compliant ad server.
- Added Google DFP and AdSense for Games (AFG).
- Added Custom Video Player with controls.
- Added Ability to watch movies offline.
- Added Ability for movie Full-screen view.
- Added Ability to view Badge Notifications.
- Added Ability to view Last activity
- Added Google Maps support
- Added Native like and comment
- Added post reaction system
- Added new Walkthrough pages.
- Added new User profile page.
- Added Ability to control app fonts
- Added Interstitial ADMOB Banners.
- Added ability to change language from settings.
- Added ability to delete stories
- Added ADMOB Rewarded Video ADS
- Added Garbage Collection system.
- New News feed design
- High Improvement on performance of the app.
- Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3.
- Cached Images system load and view.
- Recycle views with high performance .
- SQLITE Upgrade to last version.
- RTL System with layout support.
- Request App Permissions system.
- Update Android compact to last version 7.2.1.
- New Documentation 2.0.
- Upgrade IOS compatiblity to version 8
- Upgrade To last version of xamarin
- Upgrade SQLITE database version
- IOS 1.8 release with all bug fixes
- Fixed social login disable all problem
- Fixed Privacy page bug
- Fixed Page/Group breaking style
- Fixed notification count badge problem
- Compatible with the upcomming update of WoWonder Version 1.5.5.
- Compatible with the 3 new themes of WoWonder upcomming new update.
- New design of the application view and style.
- Added ability to login via social logins.
- Added Movies page.
- Added Trending page.
- Added ads >> AdInterstitial.
- Added ability to edit social pages.
- Added ability to edit group information
- Added ability to delete your own story [requested]
- Added ability to edit user profile information
- Added ability to view stories of type video
- Display in the user’s profile photos & friends & groups and pages.
- Display friends requests notification on the notification tab
- Settings page moved to the item list page
- Ability to see notification count as badge on the buttom navigation bar
- Fix “Mentions” to a friend in the Post.
- Fix photo display in the Photo Gallery
- Fix the display in events page.
- Fix of 10+ reported bugs.
- 1-Added Native video player for the IOS new version
- 2-Fixed Navigation bars for both android and IOS
- 3-Added Ads preview between the post of timeline
- 4-Changed Tab control to Bottom Navigation bar on Android with animinations
- 5-Add story section as New full page on the bottom bar
- 6-Added abilty to view ads on the Video player
- 7-Auto play for videos during the Scroll down
- 8-Added to all pages empty state pages
- 9-Removed social logins from the application
- 10-Changed the style of the market place and added curency control
- 11-Fixed create new password from the application
- 12-Fixed creating new Groups/Pages from the application
- 13-Added the abilty to handlle TLS 1.2 and 2.0
- 14-Fixed creating new Groups/Pages from the application
- 15-Fixed all reported bugs for both of Android/IOS
- 1-Release of IOS Timeline application
- 2-Fixed 4 Reported Bugs
- 3-Fixed crash problems
- 4-Ability to handel session Timeout problems
- 5-Full documention expalined
- 6-Handel Native Error 503 and 504 errors
- 7-Ability to control App settings more
- 1-Fixed 13 Reported Bugs
- 2-New design similar to facebook timeline using tabs and custom bars
- 3-improving the loading of posts speed to 50% faster
- 4-Added Profile and pages Header animations similar to facebook
- 5-Animated Story view for Users status
- 6-Added Ability to post on groups and pages
- 7-Added Ability to Create new groups and new pages from the mobile app
- 8-Added publisher box on top of timeline app
- 9-Added Ability to add AdMob banners
- 10-Added Ability to view ads from the main website advertisement system
- 11-Added share button on every post
- 12- Added Full push notification system
- 13-Added ability to view all Users stories on the main timeline
- 14-Added ability to view multiple Stories for each user
- 15-Added ability to create Stories from the mobile application
- 16-Refresh the timeline by pull button
- 17-Added ability to view all events on the social website
- 18-Added ability to view my own events
- 19-Added ability to create events from the application
- 20-Added ability to join events and decline from the application
- 21-Added New costum navigation bars
- 22-Added new walkthrough pages after login
- 23-Added ability for GPS Locater signal
- Add multilingual system with auto detect android languish
- Add Empty state Pages
- Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .
- Add ability to Handle Errors 404 and 505 and 402 To the hybrid post viewer.
- Add ability to handle bad connection and slow connection on post viewer.
- Increased speed of loading post on the main timeline to 50% .
- Add Native Try Again on post viewer .
- Add RegisterCallback Control-Click on JavaScript bridge on Post viewer.
- Solved all login and logout bugs .
- Fixed 9 reported bugs on pages and crashes.
- Downgrade the android version to 4.4 to work on old devices.
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