Missiles VS Plane - Complete Unity Game

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by LJSoft
Missiles VS Plane - Complete Unity Game Unity Game Mobile App template


Simple ToDo LIst, Task App with Admob Ads


It is a simple and effective to-do list and task manager app which helps you make schedule, manage time, stay focused, remind about deadlines and organize life at home, work and everywhere else

More Details

Simple ToDO app is easy to get started with its intuitive design and personalized features. Add tasks and reminders in mere seconds, and then focus on things that really matter.


  • Android 10 (Q) Support
  • Android Studio Project
  • Splash Screen
  • Colorful
  • Material Design 2.0
  • Google FireBase Support
  • Firebase Analytics
  • Easy to reskin
  • Admob banner & interstitial ads integrated
  • Create tasks and notes faster
  • Source code in Android Studio Kotlin Language
  • add tasks and with image support
  • Automatically delete tasks which are completed

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You need to pay $10 for integration of facebook ads if you need. contact to ljsoft@pm.me

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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
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