– This is a Template not a full working app
– This is a Shell version of this MauiKit item that provides you with a simplified implementation of .NET MAUI Shell that lets you easily create a custom navigation experience in your .NET MAUI applications.
MauiKit is a comprehensive UI kit built specifically for .Net MAUI framework. Designed with modern and elegant aesthetics, MauiKit offers a wide range of customizable UI components that can be easily integrated into your .Net MAUI applications.
From basic controls like buttons and text fields to complex elements like charts and graphs, MauiKit provides everything you need to design beautiful and functional user interfaces. MAUI Kit implemented a sample of MVVM pattern which offer a clean separation between the UI and the viewmodels through data bindings. You can implement it to any MVVM frameworks that you wanted.
With MauiKit, you can save time and effort while creating high-quality, cross-platform applications that deliver exceptional user experiences.
Try MauiKit today and elevate your .Net MAUI development experience.
Install the app and preview instantly
Click on below image to install Android app: (latest release)
or Download from Play Store (for smaller download size)
MAUI Kit supports latest .Net MAUI 7.0
Target platforms are:
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v2.0.0 – 12 Apr 2023
- Add E-Wallet app pack - Add new pages to Socials category - Add new pages to Forms category - Layout improvments and UI enhancement
v1.0.1 – 8 Mar 2023
- Fix issue Bottomtab not appear in Windows - Fix issue Popup page fills full screen in Android, grey content in Windows - Upgrade nuget packages to lastest stable version. - Update resources
v1.0.0 – 5 Mar 2023
First release
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