Mapplic is the #1 custom map WordPress plugin on the web. Turn simple images and vector graphics into high quality, responsive and fully interactive maps.
The only limit is your own imagination!
Your site isn’t powered by WordPress? Try the jQuery version of Mapplic!
The built-in portfolio includes the most popular 15 geographical maps: World, World Continents, Europe, United States (USA), Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom (UK), The Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, China, Brazil.
We are constantly expanding our online map directory with free, high quality maps, including Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Spain.
- sidebar clear search - edit map button - backend predefined colors - Android tap bug fix - CSV load fix - other minor improvements and fixes
- SIDEBAR REDESIGN - WordPress POST SUPPORT - NEW MARKERS - sidebar toggle - level switcher redesign - search optimization - experimental DIRECTORY feature - extended label and thumbnail functionality - description template vars - CodeMirror custom CSS field - PapaParse upgrade - improved XSS protection - WCAG scroll issue fix - other fixes and improvements
- bug fixes
- admin rewritten - level switch animation - accessibility improvements (towards WCAG 2.0 AA) - touch optimized backend map - CSV load data - container min/max height and better responsivity - hover tooltip description - external action fix - other fixes and improvements
- minor bug fixes
- Reusable element STYLES - Search HIGHLIGHT feature - EXTERNAL action - smart tooltip reintroduced - UI Colors - Illustrator duplicate ID workaround - customcss, searchlength attributes - georeferenced Europe and UK map - pin-icon marker - fullscreen fix - blurry animations fix - toggle/reveal conflict fix - other fixes and improvements
- Safari (MacOS) blur bug fix - Android location selection bug fix
- bug fixes - routes 2.0 compatibility - linknewtab, hidenofilter options
- CSS3 ANIMATIONS - up to 10x better performance - MOMENTUM (drag&drop) - UI/UX redesign - CSV support - legend (map key) - toggle groups or map layers - reveal feature (by click or zoom) - image - new marker, attribute and action - world + US states built-in map - zoommargin, closezoomout, portrait settings - massive code optimization - mapplic_location filter - improved backend - bug fixes
- AUTO HEIGHT - ROUTES compatible - thumbnail placeholder - location reorder - full retina - SVG icons - Pictogon compatible - tooltip optimization - CSS conflict prevention - code optimization - empty description fix - bug fixes
- SERVERSIDE REWRITTEN - mapplic_map CUSTOM POST TYPE - built-in Import/Export - NEW FULLSCREEN FEATURE - mobile admin - backend UI changes - init zoom/position support - 5 new CSS label markers - UI localization - auto close popup setting - frontend optimization - landmark feature fix
- IE9 bug fix
- GEOLOCATION feature - LIGHTBOX support - API with basic methods and events - new built in map: The Netherlands - improved responsive behavior - pin label support - new pin types - description in hover tooltip - tooltip with thumnail - default fill color and default action - mousewheel setting - css and javascript optimizations - hammer.js updated to version 2.0.6
- SMART TOOLTIP - tooltip now repositions itself and it's always visible - 7 new built in maps: Continents, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, China, Brazil - thumbnail support - docs rewritten from scratch - edit map button - fixed container width removed - duplicate feature - possibility to link floors - tooltip scroll bug fixed - small CSS fixes
- 7 built in maps: World, Europe, USA, Canada, France, Germany, England - new generation of interactive SVG maps (old method still supported) - deeplinking engine rewritten (hash > query parameter) - zoom buttons (+/-) added - map in container: fit or fill - mobile optimiztaion - retina support - hammer.js updated to version 2.0.4 - new pin types added - drag&drop fix: now clickable areas can be dragged as well without activating them - small design changes - landmark list alphabetic order - colorable landmarks (svg) - landmark actions (tooltip/redirect) - zooming can be disabled - small bug fixes
- text tab added to description editor - fullscreen bug fixed - IE9 tooltip close/clear button bug fixed - pin animation setting added - input focusing issues in Mozilla fixed
- PINCH ZOOM added for touch devices - hybrid mode added (now you can have clickable shapes and pins on the same map) - developer mode added (easy to find x/y coordinates) - tooltip rewritten to support any data (ex. youtube videos) - tooltip dynamic width - tooltip dynamic height (with scrollbar if needed) - smart tooltip positioning - fullscreen button added - search feature improved - SVG tutorial included - hover tooltip added - pin animations added - ajax preloader added - new flat design - source code improved and greatly optimized - description field rich editor added - comes with three example maps - multisite bug fixed - field validations improved - landmark list visible on backed
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