Malicious App Detector

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by aminullahtaj
Malicious App Detector


MAD is a security app with awesome UI and amazing features. The app idea is basically some time user installed some application from third party like google or any torrent so this app detect that which application in your device is virus or dangerous for your data, In the other hand we added the user daily app usage like when user open the apps and close and also we add feature to remove the unused application from your devices that you are not using for a long time.

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App Screenshots

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App Features

  • Uninstall unsued Apps from this application.
  • Daily App Usage with Details.
  • Details of deaily app usage.
  • Detect Malicious Apps.
  • Detect Unused Apps.
  • User Report Malicious Apps.
  • User Reported Apps.
  • Clean Architecture Code
  • Koltin
  • Tested on Android 11
  • Responsive UI
  • MVVM Architecture
  • Firebase Auth
  • Firebase Firestore Database
  • Material Design

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Update History

Version 1.0.0
Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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