[MacOS] Responsive PHP Admin Panel Generator With Permission Management, Image Upload & Activity Log

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by gyanverma2
[MacOS] Responsive PHP Admin Panel Generator With Permission Management, Image Upload & Activity Log


Automatically Create professional ready to use Admin Panel from MySQL Database With Permission Management, Media Manager & Activity Log


Table with search, pagination and export to excel

Quick & Free Email or Skype Support

What is PHP Admin Panel Generator?

Created with the most trusted web technologies, PHP Admin Panel Generator is a powerful and intuitive solution to create Responsive bootstrap admin panel from MySQL.

With MacOS terminal support it gives you flexibility to generate the admin panel any number of times. Any modification in your database you have tool to generate the code again. No Installation required to run the Admin Panel Generator

Admin Panel Generator performs an in-depth analysis of your mysql database: all types of relationships between tables, primary and foreign keys, field types and values, validation, etc.

This intelligent analysis is used to pre-configure the options adapted to each page of the generated admin panel

The generated code can be hosted to your cloud server or shared hosting cpanel and it will be ready to use within a minute of time.

Smart Database Analysis

  • Primary keys detection and interpretation
  • Secondary keys detection and interpretation
  • Detection of all types of relationships
  • Smart integration of internal/external relationships in CRUD
  • Smart field type detection and integration
  • Detection and integration of validation types

Customer feedback :

There are lots of reasons that I recommend this item, but, at least in my opinion, having the right attention at the right moment, makes all difference. If you find yourself in trouble for any reason, be sure that you will be assisted and FAST. Thanks for this great product.
Superb product! Support is great, I had some doubts about the product at first. But the seller called me on skype and explained everything in great detail. It’s a great tool, and It will save you a lot of money and time. RECOMMENDED A+++
This is an awesome product, coupled with a great support from the publisher and the ease of usability… I strongly recommend this amazing product!
I must to say that this tool is amazing!!! Easy to use, found an error in Postman related to a missing string in the .htaccess file, then reading the support/comments of the author here from previous customers, I was able to fix it in 2 seconds. Keep up the great job, thanks again


- 02nd Feb 2021 
  - Converted the tool to work on MacOS
-28th Dec 2020
 - Bug fix for same column name present in two different schema.
-17th November 2020
 - PHPMailer Integration, generate endpoint to send email. Global function to use sendEmail anywhere.
- 13th October 2020
 - One to many endpoint generator added (e.g Category & Product -> product/read_by_categoryid.php)
 - @muhdkhokhar : Thanks for the suggestion.
- 27 September 2020
 - Generate search endpoint (Please report me if any bug)
 - Bug fixes and code quality improvements
- 06 September 2020
   - Last inserted id return after create
 - 18th Aug 2020 
     - Added image upload endpoint
     - Added file upload endpoint (pdf/docx)
     - Added FCM token endpoint
 - 28th Nov 2019 - Initial release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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