LaraGallery - Image Gallery Script

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by crivion
LaraGallery - Image Gallery Script


LaraGallery – Image Gallery Script enables you to create your own Online Photo Gallery website easily!

laragallery overview

Image Gallery Script Features

- Unlimited number of galleries added easily to any page with just a shortcode (like wordpress)
Upload multiple photos at once either from local drive (your computer) or remote URL.
Shortcode Example: [lara_gallery id=”10”] it’s as simple as that to show your image gallery with this script.

- Sort the order of images inside a gallery with the simple drag-and-drop positioning feature.

- Fully customize your design colours with the easy to use colour manager. Keep it original as per your liking!

- Configure SEO aspects like Title, Description, Keywords, etc.

- Built-in Content Management System lets you create pages containing galleries, text, images or whatever you may think of!
Basic WYSIWYG Editor Included

- Manage Navigation Items (links) by adding as many pages and external links as you need.
You can also sort the menu items by drag and drop as well.

- Private Site Option membership allows you to lock your site to be viewable by only registered users ( you can enable or disable this feature )

- Set Restrictions country based restrictions can be set so only the ones you are interested in can view the site.
Also you can ban IP addresses separately.

- Responsive Twitter Bootstrap 3 powered so your visitors can access your photo gallery website from any device like mobile, tablet, laptop & desktop.

- Lightbox Open images in a nice responsive lightbox.

- Social Sharing Share, Tweet, Pin options built inside the lightbox.

- Contact page let people get in touch with you via the contact form. All messages will go to your setup contact email.

- SEO Friendly URL structure which keeps your site crawlable and searchable by Google,Bing, Yahoo, etc.

- Admin Panel let’s you control every aspect of your online image gallery script. - Go to Admin Panel Overview

You’re in good hands with Crivion

safe branding

  • apache mod_rewrite
  • IMPORTANT: PHP >= 5.5.9
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • PHP FileInfo extension
  • Domain or subdomain, no subfolders please

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