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Karenderia Driver Mobile App

Author userpic
by bastikikang
Karenderia Driver Mobile App Android Food & Goods Delivery Mobile App template


Karenderia Driver Mobile App is a mobile application for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which can be use by restaurant owner to manage their daily pickup/delivery task.

Karenderia driver mobile app connects to KRMS via json api calls just simply install the modules for the api and settings and your all done. its comes with very easy steps by steps procedure on how to install the api & settings modules.

See the Karenderia Driver Mobile App in action?

Download android APK File click here

Watch Karenderia Driver Mobile App in action click here

Backend Settings Click here

username : admin
password : admin

looking for stand alone version? visit


= 1.8.1 (09 August 20) =

fixed - add missing fields payment_customer_id and payment_customer_type in table client

= 1.8.0 (08 August 20) =
new - add ratings
fixed - completed task showing in pending task when refresh
fixed - calendar view update plugin to latest version
fixed - reports
update - deprecated library
update - address to map use external maps instead showing maps
update - use push to firebasex plugin
update - cordova-plugin-background-geolocation version
update - to work with monaca
update - auto assign
update - checking offline/online drivers
update - send push to mobile app2 and single app

= 1.7.3 (16 April 19) =

fixed - cannot run in php 7.1 , 7.2
fixed - cannot run in server mysql strict enabled (most of the changes is in table structure of database)

= 1.7.2 (01 Mar 19) =

fixed - config.xml not compiling
The following files has been changed in version 1.7.2

Mobile app files

= 1.7.1 (06 Dec 18) =

fixed - track back location
fixed - form translation
fixed - completed task pull ajax
fixed - taking photo and upload photo crash
fixed - app crash when in background
update - cordova-plugin-camera plugin to latest version

= 1.7 (18 Oct 18) =

fixed - task list showing date created instead of delivery date
fixed - delivery time showing delivery date in task order details
fixed - auto assign to only send to active driver status
fixed - lessen the call of maps api
fixed - push logs
fixed - email logs
fixed - broadcast logs
Update - update onsen library to latest version 2.10.5
new - add mapbox api
new - map settings
new - Firebase Cloud Messaging
new - maps api logs
new - export agent list
new - export task list
new - driver app separate pending and completed task into tabs
new - driver app add mapbox map
new - add mapbox in driver app

= 1.6.1 (04 Jun 18) =

fixed - not saving driver track back location
fixed - compiling app to android
fixed - add new icon for iOS size 1024x1024
fixed - driver plot map
fixed - updatecontroller not using db prefix
fixed - header add viewport for responsive
The following files has been changed in version 1.6.1

Mobile app files
new icon res/icons/icon-1024.png


= 1.6.0 (12 Jan 18) =

fixed - tips percentage
fixed - push not refreshing due to push plugin library
update - config.xml phonegap cli-7.0.1
update - push notification sounds
update - add new plugin cordova.plugins.diagnosti for requesting location permission
update - icon and splash screen to include new icons/splash requires by iOS

The following files has been changed in version 1.6.0

Mobile app files
www/beep.wav (new files this is the new push sounds for android and ios)
res/icons (new icons is added for android and ios)
res/screens (new icons is added for android and ios)


Language file

in your server visit the link example  to update your database 

= 1.5.0 (28 March 17) =

fixed - add new task merchant list dropdown
fixed - stuck message in map
fixed - uploading files in driver app
fixed - email subject not translating
fixed - not loading task number in calendar if there is APIHasKey set in config.js
fixed - missing translation
fixed - responsive layout
fixed - add receive by in task history
fixed - cannot view task description when viewing task in agent app
changes - change how to translate the app and backend
changes - move language selection in settings
new - add search driver in dashboard
new - Agents Tracking Options
new - add last driver login in customer dashboard
new - add app version in driver information
new - options to localize calendar
new - add map when adding new contacts
new - add sms logs in customer panel
new - add sms limit
new - add notes, signature and photo for notifications
new - add last seen agent
new - add agent on-duty status
new - add auto retry auto assign
new - critical task options
new - add options to records agents location
new - map options Hide Pickup Task
new - map options Hide Delivery Task
new - map options Hide Successful Task
new - add timezone settings in customer panel
new - add options for settings default app language
new - add push broadcast
new - add resize picture when taking picture
new - update plugin phonegap-plugin-push to use latest version
new - add default language to driver app
new - add to change the app name

= 1.4.0 (15 December 16) =

fixed - update status of order when changing status on backend panel
fixed - can add same username and email address for driver
fixed - order details no food item showing
fixed - auto assign task to get the nearest merchant address rather than customer address
fixed - special request not showing in order details
fixed - reports filter not working
fixed - auto assigment settings when admin update the settings all merchant settings updated as well
new - add team menu
new - add recipient name in add signature
new - assign task to all drivers
new - allow merchant to use admin drivers
new - allow to set certain merchant to use admin drivers
new - allow to set the merchant task to admin as the owner
new - options to show the task only for admin
new - add options to disabled the merchant to delete the task
new - add options to allow merchant to delete the task for a certain time
new - block merchant list
new - add options for the driver to add notes
new - notes enabled/disbaled
new - signature enabled/disabled
new - 3 direction map from driver location to merchant location and customer address
new - auto assign to use the admin driver for merchant
new - task add pickup details/dropoff details
new - add auto assign to all drivers
new - add new template for new added drivers
new - add upload driver profile photo in backend
new - driver app profile photo
new - add driver signup
new - add order total price in task list driver app
new - driverapp add total order
new - add software version in driverapp settings
new - add total order amount in reports
new - add device long vibration
new - add settings to turn on/off notes,signature and signup
new - upload profile picture in driver app
new - add options to attach photo on the task

= 1.3.0 (17 August 16) =

fixed missing translation
fixed drag map to dragend
fixed toast plugin library
fixed cannot compile app on iOS due to outdated version of cordova-plugin-googlemaps
new add merchant name of task list
new add merchant address on task details
new add view merchant address by map
new add new plugin cordova-plugin-insomnia to prevent the mobile device from sleep

= 1.2.0 (11 July 16) =

fixed not showing pin if latitude is less than zero
fixed remove all marker before adding new marker on dahsboard map
fixed logout functions
fixed off duty functions
fixed include tips on app order details
fixed cancel task if merchant cancel the task via merchant panel
fixed send push to driver when the task has been cancel
fixed remove task from driver app if auto assign was unable to assign task
fixed reports by driver view
new add new fields for cancel order in driver settings

= 1.1.0 (03 July 16) =

fixed getting of latitude and longtitude when saving on settings
fixed toast plugin error on android 5.1
fixed intel inputs wrong path
fixed saving of default country to use full country name rather than 2 iso code
fixed intel input default country code parameter if country code is not supported
fixed website title
fixed to show all online drivers on dashboard map
fixed update the order status once the driver change the status of the order
fixed auto add to task when customer pays online using paypal stripe etc.
fixed set offline when driver logout on app
fixed will work without mobile app
new - iOS is now supported
new - iOS Push notification
new - iOS icon and splash screen ready
new - Android icon and splash screen ready
new - show all details of order
new - automatic task assigning
new - task reports
new - auto fill the address when dragging marker
new - locate driver on map
new - add options to include the offline driver to show map
new - add options to send push notification to online drivers only
new - add auto refresh map
new - add get map direction
new - send indivual and bulk push notification to driver

= 1.0.0 (02 June 16) =

Initial release version

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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