K-Restaurant Mobile App is a complete solution for taking orders using mobile device, it has complete features that all restaurant needs.
K-restaurant is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which you can have your merchant its own ordering application, in short is to make KMRS as single restaurant.
The app connects tru json API.
Important: this is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which uses the backend of KMRS merchant panel and connects using json API, it means you cannot run this as stand alone you need to purchase Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System in order for this app to work.
Online Easy Ordering
Payment Gateway
Book a table
Firebase Clound Messaging
See the K-Restaurant Mobile App in action?
Download android APK File click here
Watch K-Restaurant Mobile App in action click here
Restaurant Backend Panel
Credentials :
Username : admin
Password : admin
and go to Single merchant menu
fixed - mapbox fixed - set delivery address fixed - inventory addon functions fixed - missing merchant id in get cart functions fixed - re order if merchant has change transaction services new - add price in food item search= 2.3.0 (01 June 20) =
fixed - issue with ingredients fixed - item with 1 size, the size does not appear in the cart fixed - add validation for sell limit fixed - booking settings in merhcat not working fixed - bugs on multiple qty for addon fixed - can re order even if merchant is pending or unpublished fixed - paypal not redirecting to receipt when status is paid fixed - stripe, paypal not working in ios 13 fixed - cancel order not appearing fixed - tax not formating correctly update- add carousel pictures of food image update - auto add default tips update - add to cart use post data update - add payumoney update - update tips update - auto get address from map update - getting of distance update - from phonegap-plugin-push to cordova-plugin-firebasex new - contact less delivery options (features for covid19) new - update http legacy to http v1 for push notification new - create device registration table new - code for inventory addon= 2.2 (09 Jan 20) =
fixed - add pre order date checking fixed - query in order list fixed - query for search order fixed - query for booking fixed - query for search booking fixed - can add half qty fixed - missing RTL in search by location fixed - missing fields in table _address_book new - show addon description new - add pre checkout for checking pre order, delivery date, time and holiday new - add options to tell customer if order is next day= 2.1 (02 Jan 20) =
fixed - sms verification fixed - no merchant id when sending manual push fixed - food category scheduler fixed - facebook getting avatar update - update backend modules layout update - API update jquery to latest version update - iphonex layout new - search by location new - add new plugin cordova-plugin-statusbar new - add new plugin com-sarriaroman-photoviewer new - add favorites for food item new - Application start up banner new - full RTL options new - auto scroll banner new - turn on/off mobile prefix new - registration via mobile or email new - add menu 3 layout new - options to disabled default image new - distance calculation straight line or using map api new - order history new - cart theme new - floating category new - auto set address book in cart new - tracking interval new - custom page positioning new - contact page new - track driver new - add rate to delivery new - icons icon and splash screen for ios= 2.0 (30 May 19) =
fixed - sending of sms verification code fixed - applying voucher fixed - delete item in cart fixed - checking of Minimum Order Table update - booking add table number update - push notification use channel new - add logout in left menu new - two flavor divided by 2 options new - add clear cart new - add search for category and food item new - encrypt offline credit cards new - cancel order request new - paypal v2 new - stripe new - Mercadopago v2 new - braintree new - Voguepay new - Authorize.net new - google login new - upload customer profile picture new - add push broadcast new - driver track order new - dynamic banner new - custom pages new - mapbox new - add review
In version 2.0 Razorpay plugin is disabled by default, if you need to use razorpay
enabled it in your config.xml.
to avoid any problems with single app make sure your kmrs is updated with latest version.
In version 2.0 single app menu is moved under admin panel instead in merchant panel
Click here
= 1.2.1 (01 March 19) =
fixed config.xml not compiling
Important notice : in version 1.2.1 Razorpay is disabled in config.xml by default so if you need Razorpay to work un commented the razor pay in your config.xml for android use version 1.4.3 and for ios use version 1.3.5 UPDATE INSTRUCTION: he following files has been changed in version 1.2.1 Mobile app files: config.xml
= 1.2 (11 July 18) =
fixed braintree credentials
fixed editing food not selecting previous addon selected
fixed 2 flavor when there is price zero set in backend
fixed addon cannot select if has same item with other addons
fixed add checking of merchant status
fixed include delivery charges rate
fixed include delivery Minimum Order Table
fixed stripe payment not working in iOS
fixed show only orders from current merchant
fixed transaction type not translating in view order
new - add country dropdown in select address and address book
UPDATE INSTRUCTION: he following files has been changed in version 1.2 Modules: - singlemerchant/components/SingleAppClass.php - singlemerchant/controller/ApiController.php - singlemerchant/controller/UpdateController.php - singlemerchant/translation-file/singleapp.php Mobile app files: - www/js/app.js - www/js/template.js - www/index.html - config.xml Database: singleapp_cart - add new fields
= 1.1 (6 July 18) =
fixed booking table it fills the details without login
fixed delivery time not checking merchant opening hours
fixed book table not returning to homepage after successul booking
fixed discount price not showing
fixed getting stripe credentials
fixed remember contact number
fixed contact number auto fill
fixed double data when going back to home after purchase
fixed required addon
fixed add credit card during checkout
fixed config.xml add new Info.plist for camera and photo
add delivery asap
new open external map app for directions
new time format selection for date picker
new time interval selection for time picker
new auto select price when adding new food item
new two flavor added
new points addon added
new launch navigator for map direction
new add code for iphonex support
UPDATE INSTRUCTION: he following files has been changed in version 1.1 Modules: assets/singlemerchant.js components/SingleAppClass.php controller/Ajaxcontroller.php controller/Apicontroller.php controller/UpdateController.php translation-file/singleapp.php views/index/settings_app.php Mobile app files: www/css/app.css www/js/app.js www/js/template.js www/index.html config.xml KMRS Functions components/Functions.php components/FunctionsV3.php Database: singleapp_cart - add new fields
= 1.0 (20 June 18) =
Initial release version
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