In this .Net MVC Project, you will find a full working site and all the code needed to implement the following :
Repository pattern decouples your application from persistence frameworks in this case entity framework. So, in the future if you decide to switch to a different persistence framework you can do so with minimal impact on the rest of your application and minimizes duplicate query logic.A unit of work maintains a list of objects affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes.
It’s always best to use a grid with server side processing for fast loading of grid list in application even with millions of data in a database table. If you are working with large databases, you might want to consider using the server-side options . With server-side processing enabled, all actions that DataTables performs such as paging, searching and ordering are handed off to a server where an SQL engine can perform these actions on the large data set . As such, each draw of the table will result in a new ajax request to get the required data.
Project includes cascading dropdown lists on client side using JavaScript and jQuery and toast’s alert for CRUD operations. What is included when i purchase ?