Journal And Publication - Peer Review System

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by Hi-TechParks
Journal And Publication - Peer Review System  Miscellaneous


Journal And Publication – Peer Review System is a journal or research publication management application and website, Where Author can post their articles and Reviewer can approve or reject the articles. The website is a showcase of articles where a visitor can read it. It has some strong module like articles, comments, reviewers, authors and site managements.

Application Preview

Website : Front View
Admin Panel : Dashboard

Admin Login
E-mail :
Password : admin1234

Reviewer Login
E-mail :
Password : reviewer1234

Author Login
E-mail :
Password : author1234

Website Features:

  • Full Website Administration
  • Author Profile Page
  • Article Category Page
  • Article Details Page
  • Responsive Design
  • Google Font Integration
  • SEO Friendly
  • Built with Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Animated CSS Integration
  • Fast and Light Weight
  • All Files are Well Commented
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Documentation Included

Application Features:

  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • Admin, Author, Reviewer User Roles
  • Manage Reviewer and Authors
  • Manage Article and Comments
  • Manage Articles
  • Article Category Setup
  • Requirement Setup
  • Reviewer Setup
  • Profile Setting
  • Website Settings
  • Comment Manager
  • Author Manager
  • Contact Info Settings
  • Social Info Settings
  • Change Password
  • Video Setup In Article
  • Document Upload with Article
  • Custom Logo & Icons
  • Contact Mail System Integration
  • Fully Customizable
  • Quick & Easy Setup

Version 2.0.0

- 28 Feb 2023 -
- PHP 8 Version Upgrade.
- XSS Protection Setup. 
- Article Validation Issue Fix.
- Article Counter Issue Fix
- Setting Seeder Setup.
- Admin Email Changing Option.
- Auth Pages Layouts Update.
- 03 Aug 2019 -
- Article search algorithm update.
- Image & File upload error solve. 
- 19 Jul 2019 -
- Initial release.

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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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