iWallet is a complete payment gateway solution script. You can start your payment gateway business without any technical knowledge using iWallet. Every user can deposit and withdraw their money. iWallet is a multi-currency-based system. Users can send and receive money. They also can send payment requests to their client like Payoneer. iWallet comes with tons of settings. You can change almost everything using those settings. You can install it only for 3-4 clicks. No need for any technical knowledge to install it. System requirements are very low. You can use cPanel hosting, VPS hosting and almost every hosting solution you want to use.
admin demo url:
Admin access: email: admin@admin.com, pass: admin@admin.com
User panel demo Url: User access: email: alice@yopmail.com, pass: 12345678
- Linux Server.
- Minimum RAM 2GB.
- Minimum Space 20GB.
- PHP 7.2+.
- Database (Preferred MYSQL 5.7+).
- Apache 2.4/Nginx Server.
- Please check our demo and Pre Requisites before making your purchase.
Change Log: Version 1.0 – 11th September’2021
- Initial Release
Images are only for demo purposes and not included with the download bundle.
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