ionic 5 yoga workout / fitness App

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by initappz
ionic 5 yoga workout / fitness App Ionic  Mobile App template


  • Intro Sliders
  • Login
  • Register
  • Reset Password
  • Multi Languages
  • Home page with courses
  • Trainer Page
  • Single Video Detail Page
  • Video Player
  • Pricing Table
  • Payment Page
  • Social Media Feeds 
  • Classes
  • Profile
  • Setting 

Select your yoga trainer

in ionic 5 yoga full app template will provide you lots of layouts. the main feature of this app is  to select your trainer. you can find your favorite trainer and can see his profile with trainer portfolio

Watch exercise videos anytime

With grow of the digital world now you can find any kind of information in seconds, give your clients options to get better yoga videos from your app

Support Multi Languages

  • Expand your reach.
  • Build trust
  • Improve brand image
  • Understand cultural peculiarities




Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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