International multi-language cross-border e-commerce multi-merchant mall system

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by wuw903746


1. Supports self-operated and multi-merchant entry with unified backend management.


2. Allows backend editing for page management, icon names, and descriptions in various languages; supports adding new languages and website pop-up functionality.


3. Provides independent backend for merchants, one-click product listing, one-click collection (with built-in collection plugins), international payments, international logistics, and multiple payment methods.


4. Comes with a product library, supports virtual users, and includes backend management for shops, store settings, and numerous other functions.


5. Utilizes multi-level caching and full-text search technology to greatly enhance system response speed and load capacity, and employs distributed stress testing to support high concurrency in key business scenarios like homepage access, product category access, product search, and product detail access.


6. Features special system functions such as mall advertisements, mall activities, and a points mall.


7. Complex mall business modules including multi-merchant, B2B, orders, logistics, refunds, after-sales, payments, finance, points mall, products, attributes, mall activities, shopping cart, multi-store settlement, membership system, distribution system, and messaging system.


8. System management: role management, menu management, user management.


9. Order management: order management, after-sales processing.


10. Membership management: membership management, member tags, member benefits, member levels.


11. Platform activities: flash sales, limited-time discounts, auction activities.


12. Product management: product management, product categories, product tag management.


13. Merchant management: store list, entry applications, merchant list.


14. Financial management: withdrawal applications, financial overview, security deposit, user withdrawal applications.







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    • Author support included
    • Lifetime access to product repository
    • Lifetime product updates included
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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