IncomeExpense Tracker - Track your budget, Track incomes, Track expense

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by Dreamer_bryan



Password: 000000


IncomeExpense Tracker – IncomeExpense Tracker is a full package Web application to help you track your budget, track incomes, track expense and manage your money.. IncomeExpense Tracker is developed using Blazor, C#(.Net6) & MsSQL database. It’s easy to install and you’ll get free updates forever.

  • .Net6
  • C#
  • Blazor Server
  • Database (Ms SqlServer)
  • Project Features

    • IncomeExpense Tracker : Get a day by day track of all your incomes and expenses grouped by the specific categories. Along with that keep an eye on the Wallet balance

    • Daily, Monthly, Weekly & Yearly View : Align your budget and manage your incomes and expenses. View the spendings and incomes by days, weeks, months, years or a custom date range. Also filter them by type i.e. income, expense or all

    • Chart & Graphical analysis : Analyze your spendings and track your incomes through analytical and graphical chart. Customize the chart based on daily report, weekly report, monthly report, yearly report or any custom date range report

    • Manage multiple accounts : You can create multiple accounts, with no limit at all, to manage all of them separately and individually in the app.


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    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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