Daily Expense Tracker & Monthly Budget Planner For Android with Ads

Author userpic
by sr-tech


Product description

Native android Expense Tracker application

Expense Tracker helps you track your financial activity efficiently. Its simple design makes it lightweight, straightforward and very easy to use.

Financial reports give you overview of your spending, income by date or group

AdMob has been integrated with the application so that anybody can include Ad.

Here is the detailed feature list:

  • Complete native Daily Expense Tracker App
  • Expense Details Activity Show your all Expense details
  • Multiple currencies, making it perfect
  • Easy integration.
  • Splash Screen.
  • Android Studio Project.
  • Admob Added ( banner + full_interstitial )
  • Categorised expense list
  • Expense Calculator
  • Material Design UI
  • Well documented code.

  • App Demo Link


  • Android Studio 3.0+
  • Android Latest SDK
  • Google Admob Account

Technical Documentation

Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release.

Last Update fixed V1.0.1
- Add Splash Screen.
- Redesign UI
- Bug fix.
Last Update fixed V1.0.2
- Add Expense Calculator
- Bug fix
Last Update fixed V1.0.3
- Update Code Androidx
- Bug fix
Last Update fixed V1.0.4
- Support Android Pie
- Bug fix
Last Update fixed V1.0.5
- Support Android latest version
- Database Bug fix
- Bug fix

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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