IELTS Exam Full Preparation - IELTS Practice Band - IELTS Vocabulary - IELTS Complete Preparation

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by VocsyInfotech



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IELTS Exam Full Preparation - IELTS Practice Band - IELTS Vocabulary - IELTS Complete Preparation - 1

IELTS Exam Full Preparation – IELTS Practice Band – IELTS Vocabulary – IELTS Complete Preparation

IELTS Exam Full Preparation is an application to help you improve your IELTS skills. With IELTS Tips in IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam app, you will find the tips that show you some ways to get high score, how to make an IELT Test.


  • Comprehensive overview of the IELTS tests
  • Grammar exercises
  • IELTS Speaking test advice for IELTS exam
  • Many IELTS sample speaking with solution
  • This app has Audio speaking test also
  • IELTS Speaking tips and tricks
  • IELTS Vocabulary exercises
  • IELTS Speaking Cue card topic
  • IELTS Reading/Listening Test
  • Free practice tests
  • Support Text To Speech

What You Get

  • Full Android Source Code
  • Admob Ads Integration
  • Full Document with Screen Shot

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