HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps

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by tlssoftware


HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 1

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 2

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 3

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 4

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 5

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 6

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 7

Demo Information:

HRM Admin
Employee Self-Service
Appraisals System
Mobile Apps Click to download Android app

Demo Account Credentials:

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 8

What You Will Get by Purchasing HRPRO?

Once purchased, you will get full solutions source code, database and documentation as below:

HRM Core Admin (HRM Admin) + Employee Self-Service System (ESS) + Appraisal System (EPS)

– Projects are developed using latest .NET Technology (Net 5.0, for HRM Admin and ESS, and ASP.Net Core 2.2 for EPS).

⚡ Mobile Application

– Built with latest release Xamarin.Forms, including Android and iOS apps

✨ A Premium, Intensively Documentation

For your quickly getting started with HRPRO, we made a premium, clean and clear documentation including: Installation & Deployment Guide, User Manual.

Important Note:

- An Extended License is required when you redistribute, publish and sell this application to your customer. Please purchase the Extended License from Codecanyon in this business case.

Purchase HRPRO Now!

HRPRO - HRM Series Solution with Web System and Mobile Apps - 9


Version v2.1.0 – 04 Jul, 2022

HRM Core:
   - Contract Terms > Contact History> Salary Change Table: fix wrong binding Effective Date
   - Allow sysadmin uploads payslips, added field "Select Division" 
   - Add import salary changes, position changes, contract changes
   - Hangfire: disabled schema recreation
   - Allow to change the probation end date when updating contract
   - Removed hris job queue
   - Allow update Working Days
   - Fixed: can't create a new contract if currency is not set
  - View Profile change details form
  - Allow employees removing their contacts info
  - Add Auto approve leave request
  - Turn off advance leave days
  - Update: email remind users submit mid-year target
  - Auto approve mid-year targets
  - Fixed: Prevent remind jobs from executing in the pass
  - Able to add Ignore target settings for employee (appSettings)
  - Update dashboard: normal admin can view data belonging to his/her division
  - Send email to LM1 (1st Line Manager) & LM2 (2nd Line Manager) to remind approve employee's performance results
  - Update payslip page: allow to select year
  - Update email template for EPS Api

Version v1.1.1 – 03 Mar, 2022

   - Add User Manual for EPS.
   - Add all Excel Import Templates: Employee, Bank Info, Contract, Leave, Manager, Payslip....

Version v1.1.0 – 15 Feb, 2022

   - Initial release.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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