Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend

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by appseed
Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template


What’s new in version 1.1:
Backendless is added as an alternative backend.

Hotel Ionic is a mobile app that ensures a pleasant stay and serves your customer’s needs in one coherent design. It offers features from all kinds of information and local city guides to concierge service for restaurant reservations and room service. It takes advantage of your Facebook page and uses its content like special events, deals and galleries in the mobile app.
Best practices, proven techniques and experienced software architecture are packed with a well-crafted design.

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 1In a nutshell

Hotel Ionic enables hotels to provide exceptional guest experience and maximize their guest spending upselling their services. It requires minimal setup enabling even non-developers to use and maintain it.

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 2Why choose Hotel Ionic

  • No code knowledge or tech development required
  • Clean and user-friendly interface
  • Highly customizable structure, with modular architecture
  • Easy installation, detailed quick start guide
  • Free updates: new features added constantly
  • Easily maintainable data, via the Firebase and Backendless Graphical User Interface
  • One codebase compatible with Android and iOS
  • Quick and efficient Support

Feature request

Help us improve this app in a way that absolutely makes sense. Suggest the next feature you would like to see implemented. We are taking suggestions very seriously.


Android .APK

  • Android APK

Preview on iOS and Android – Ionic View

  • Download the Ionic View app )
  • Use the App ID 1A6878D7
Note: Some features are not fully functional for preview on Ionic View. Especially, those that need to launch another application of the device such as “Get directions” which launches device’s Maps application.
Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 3


Business Information

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 4 All the important information a guest needs to know about your hotel is right at their fingertips.

Home screen

One tap actions make your hotel’s information easily accessible and enable easier communication with your guests:
  • Call us: It will make the device to start a call to the phone number of your hotel.
  • Send us an Email: Mailer will open with your hotel’s email address already set so as the user won’t need to type it.
  • Find us / Get directions: The map application which is already installed on the device will be launched to show your exact location on the map and the user will be able to get directions to reach your hotel.
  • Map: Users will be able to view your location on map without leaving the app.

Contact us

Show your hotel overview presenting a description and images. Give one-tap contact with your clients and access to your social profiles.


Share interesting posts and activities to give your hotel updates in a tidy package. You can use either a JSON structure or your already existing Wordpress/Drupal site.


Mark your location on the map to help customers find your location faster without leaving the app.


Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 5 Take advantage of your social profile and engage your clients with easier access to your deals, news, galleries and, in general, the content of your Facebook page from within your mobile app.


Make your Facebook Events stand out. Engage your fans by allowing them to add your events in the calendar app of their device and get directions.


Make your Facebook Photo Albums the cornerstone of your business. Tell your story or let your products shine with your valuable photographs accompanied by titles and descriptions.


Allow the users to keep in touch with your hotel Facebook updates and increase your visibility among their network. Any post you make in your Facebook page is displayed automatically in the app.

Restaurant Reservations

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 6 Use the in-app experience to promote the Restaurant of your Hotel giving guests the option to immediately book a table.

Local Information and City Guide

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 7 Provide curated guides of things to do, places to visit/eat/shop, transportation tips etc that are selected for the guest in mind.

Promote Businesses and Destinations

Promote services and products from your local partners. Put them on spotlight by featuring them on the home screen and with special filters in your tourist guide.

Room Service

Let your guests order meals, snacks and breakfast with a full shopping cart experience and enjoy an enhanced room service.

Menu Presentation

Menu categories are displayed as cards with a title, a thumbnail and a description. Menu items are organised into categories with a title, a thumbnail and a price.
A detailed screen of each menu item provides additional information including:
  • Price
  • Description
  • A slideshow of images
  • An “Add to favorites” button
  • An “Add to Cart” button
  • A “Quick add to cart” button

Products can be displayed with basic and extra options to enable users to choose according to their preferences.

Shopping Cart

Users can fully customize their order and:
  • Add or remove ingredients
  • Select extra options
  • Select product size / price option
  • Choose quantity before they add an item in their cart or quickly add it to their cart with a single tap without the need to define a quantity (default quantity is 1 item)

A list of ordered items is presented in detail, accompanied by the subtotal and the total price. Users can also make quantity changes and remove items from the cart.

Push Notifications

Hotel Ionic - Full Application with Firebase backend - 8 Stay in close contact with your guests and send push notifications with valuable information. This app uses Ionic’s push service for receiving push notifications.

Data Sources

Firebase data storage

The app’s data are stored in Firebase as JSON objects and any data changes are synchronized with the app. You can use the Firebase UI to either import data that you have already prepared or create/manage your data in a tree-like structure. In the documentation, a full example of a Firebase project is demonstrated showing the required data fields and structure.

Backendless data storage

Backendless is another alternative backend solution for storing your data. Requests to Backendless return a JSON data structure. It allows the creation of your data declaring one-to-one and one-to-many relations. It is easy to configure and includes setting contraints and validations. The app comes with the related documentation and a sample data structure to initialze your project in minutes.

Data storage in plain JSON files

There is also the option to configure the app to fetch data either from a local source in the app’s file system or a remote one (e.g. Amazon S3) where data are stored in JSON files. All the content of the application can be updated just by adjusting the remote sources.

Easy Configuration / Modular Architecture

The configuration of this app requires the modification of the sample JSON data we provide and is described in detail in the Start Guide that comes with the app. Additionally, the app’s modular architecture is going to eliminate any unnecessary complexity for its configuration or modification/addition of features. Its code is clean and well-organised into modules.
You could review this super-modular architecture by checking our SuperModular Ionic starter, which is provided for free.

Ionic design

This app is based on the UI elements that the Ionic Framework provides. Ionic Framework comes with a detailed and impressive CSS components for layout styling. Moreover, Ionic comes with its own icon library built in which contains almost everything you should need. Use Ionic’s UI components and they will give you a fully customised and functional UI.


This is a product of AppSeed. Find out more by visiting our website or contact us via our support center .

Change log

1.9 - March 29, 2018
- Add Backendless as an alternative backend

1.0 - Jul 06, 2017
- Initial Release

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