Halo Doctor - Video Call Doctor Booking Appointment Timeslot with Firebase

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by DancingWhale
Halo Doctor - Video Call Doctor Booking Appointment Timeslot with Firebase Flutter Travel Booking & Rent Mobile App template



Halo Doctor – Doctor Booking Appointment with Video Call Webrtc

In the current situation it is sometimes difficult to meet a doctor face-to-face, and most people, many are also afraid to consult a doctor, because they might think the cost is quite expensive, Now with the development of technology, we can solve that problem by using Video Call technology, client and doctors can conduct consultations from their respective homes then a Helo Doctor application is made which will solve all the problems above,

in this application the client will be facilitated in choosing the specialist he wants based on ratings and reviews as well as the price of the consultation and the client is also made easy to pay,

on the doctor’s side, the doctor will be facilitated in setting the schedule using the timeslot the doctor can set the duration of the consultation and the price, and when the timeslot is purchased by the client the doctor can start a consultation session according to the schedule, and after the consultation is complete and the client is satisfied with the consultation he can give a review to the doctor, and the client payment will be forwarded to the doctor and we as this service provider, can take a cut from every transaction that occurs, that is a little explanation of this application, I’m sure after trying to run the application later you will fully understand this application

What you will get?

  • Halo Doctor – Client App
  • Halo Doctor – Doctor App
  • Both Project above is Full Flutter Project
  • Firebase Cloud Function Project
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Web Documentation & Video Tutorial
  • Free Version Upgrade

Test Halo Doctor in Your Device

Client App

Choose apk based on your device architecture

Register New Account

to try stripe payments use the credit card number 42424242424242424242424 as well as the expiration date and security code

Doctor App

Register New Doctor Account

Backend With Firebase Hosting

You can try to Web Admin Hallo Doctor

username: admin@gmail.com , password:admin123

Get Free Documentation


We offer installation service with charge! Please contact with us to discuss and asking for quatation to setup Hallo Doctor on your server (Firebase). Our Email: andyshawshank9@gmail.com . We don’t have any refund policy! Please check our demo and documentation before you make any purchase! Feel free to ask us your pre sale query!

Change Log

28 May 2022 – Version 1.0.11

- Add New Feature - Dynamic Image Carousel, 
you can now change image carousel in Admin Dashboard
- Fix Doctor Activation badge bug

09 May 2022 – Version 1.0.10

- Improve Video Call Experience with Agora Engine Plugin
- Fix Agora UiKit Package Bug

22 April 2022 – Version 1.0.9

- Add New Feature, Admin can set Doctor account activation
- Fix Doctor Category bug

10 April 2022 – Version 1.0.8

- Add New Feature, Admin can set admin fee for each transaction
- Alson admin can set the Tax for each transaction

01 April 2022 – Version 1.0.7

- Add Reschedule Appointment Feature
- Add New Feature - Doctor can add Multiple Timeslot, Everyday, Weekly, Monthly
- Add Client Refund Feature,
- Add Doctor can cancel the appointment

20 March 2022 – Version 1.0.6

- Add Notification when Consultation Start
- Add Notification when client buy purchase timeslot
- Add Delete Doctor & Client Account in Admin Dashboard

03 March 2022 – Version 1.0.5

- Add Chat Feature Between Client & Doctor
- Fix Top Rated Doctor in Web Admin
- Fix Minor Bug

18 February 2022 – Version 1.0.4

- Fix Kotlin Issue

10 February 2022 – Version 1.0.3

- Add Admin Dashboard App
- Fix Some Bugs

25 January 2022 – Version 1.0.2

- Implement Firebase Backend Service 
- Fix all the bugs that buyers complain about.
- Fix Top Rated Doctor

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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