Graphina Pro is an ultimate easy-to-use chart & graph WordPress plugin. This is a fantastic plugin to represent data and numbers on great-looking, dynamic graphs, and charts. It is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create several kinds of graphs and charts for a sorted and clear display of data on your website. It is built on the popular Apex charts, Graphina Pro has a powerful set of options, with Dynamic data and new counters, data table, mixed chart, and nested column chart; it has a wide range of charts and adaptability. The graph creation is useful to display multiple kinds of reports or statistics.
We’ve added ready to use addon for Elementor Pagebuilder. With our trendy backgroud animations bring your site to life.
When you activate the plugin, you get 5 Elementor Builder widgets for creating such chart types:
Graphina is compatible with all modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Edge. It delivers an interactive and animated interface that’s pleasing to the eye, it’s easy to use, offers multiple types of charts and so much more. Absolutely the best!
We are constantly working to make your experience better with every updates. Get all the latest updates absolutely FREE
Faced a problem? Need assistance with the product? No worries – our customer support team is always ready to help you.
Note:Please raise a ticket here at
- Support requests are being processed on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT +05.30) [generally] within 24h to 48h in the order they were received.
- We suggest, while our team reviews your support request, please read the documentation that comes in the zip file of CodeCanyon. You can download it from CodeCanyon:
- We are in GMT+5:30 timezone. We address all the support queries 6 days weekly (Sunday off).
- If any support ticket has no response from the item owner for 7 days, the ticket will be considered closed. If you need further assistance you can create another ticket or drop us an email asking to re-open the ticket for you.
- Have pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our website contact page
- If you like our product and support then please drop a rate and write a review at:
- Counter Bug Sort
- Bug Fix
- Ajax reload in all google charts ( not in Gantt chart) - Filter in all google charts ( not in Gantt charts) - Google chart data from ajax - Code optimize - Counter js change - Negative value supported in counter
- Code Optimize - Bugs Sort
- Minor bug Fixes
- Minor bug Fixes
- New google Gantt chart with dynamic data option - Change label option in geo chart - Set min and max y-axis values in the mixed chart - Minor bug Fixes
- Script Bug Resolved
- Js script load chartwise - Minor bugs sort in SQL builder and Column-Wise CSV
- Org Google Chart In Pro Version - Added Column Wise data In CSV, Remote CSV and Googlesheet Dynamic Type - Bug Fixes
- Minor Fixes
- Google Chart Dynamic Data - Geo & Gauge Google Chart Added - Data From Filter - Minor Bug Fixes
- Minor Fixes
- Chart filter in SQL builder and API dynamic option (Notes:- not in mixed, nested column , brush , counter and Datatable )
- SQL builder in mixed and brush chart
- Eexternal mysql database connectivity
- Ajax reload in mixed chart
- Scatter chart (new chart)
- Dynamic key for api and SQL-builder
- [Added] sql table list in dynamic chart data option.
- [Added] distributed column charts & dynamic data option.
- Minor fixes
- Elementor 3.5 Supported.
- Minor Bug fixes
- [Added] Brush Chart
- User id/name based access control
- Minor Bug fixes
- Updated: Marker option in mix chart
- Bug fixed
- Added: Password Protection Style
- Bug fixed
- Restricted content access
- Auto chart reload on time interval
- API authencation header
- Responsive graph
- Dynamic field/ACF support in chart title, description, csv, google sheet and api
- Bug Fixes
- Charts with counter
- SQL-Builder for Charts and Counters
- Tooltip for X-axis and Y-axis
- Y-axis zero indicator
- Apex chart Js Version change
- Optimization
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- [Added] New options for X-axis and Y-axis
- [Added] Dynamic bulk data support
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Initial release.