Google Maps Bundle

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by NajmulIqbal15


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Google Maps Bundle:

This bundle includes the following two items.

Taxi Fare Calculator:

Taxi Fare Calculator is a JavaScript code that calculates taxi fare. Autocomplete has been added so that to make address selection easy. You can also click on a location on the map to get the address instead of typing via keyboard. You can also optimize the path to minimize the travel time and save money. It utilizes Google Places, Geocoding and Directions APIs.


  • It calculates taxi fare.
  • It also optimizes path for multiple locations to minimize travel time and save money.
  • It uses the Google Maps Directions API to display directions on the map.
  • It adds marker on the map on click and uses GeoCoder to get address of that location.
  • It uses google maps autocomplete for searching a location.
  • It utilizes the places library.
  • It uses driving travel mode.
  • You can display directions with or without optimization as required.
  • It uses bootstrap responsive UI.
Further details of the item can be found on below link.

Google Map Path Optimization

Google Map Path Optimization is a JavaScript code that optimizes path for multiple locations. This code is useful if you are new to a city and you want to visit multiple locations. As you are new to the city and you don’t know where to visit first, second and so on. You will need to enter all the locations where you want to visit and will specify your start/end (source/destination) locations. By clicking the Display button, all the locations will be displayed on the map with proper order so that to minimize your travel time.


  • It optimizes path for multiple locations.
  • It uses the Google Maps Directions API to display directions on the map.
  • It adds marker on the map on click and uses GeoCoder to get address of that location.
  • It uses google maps autocomplete for searching a location.
  • It utilizes the places library.
  • It supports various travel modes (Driving, Walking and Bicycling).
  • You can display directions with or without optimization as required.
  • It uses the bootstrap UI.
Further details of the item can be found on below link.

Video Demos

  1. Click here to view Taxi Fare Calculator video demo.
  2. Click here to view Google Map Path Optimization video demo.

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