This mobile store locator is using a built-in API to fetch and display all the stores information. that makes it a very powerful and flexible mobile application. It enables users to views your stores list and details informations, view the stores on a Google Map, view a Google Street view, search by address, search the closest stores to their current location and more.
- List all your stores on Mobile devices (iPhone, iTouch, Android, iPad…).
- Support results pagination using the AJAX technology.
- Let your users search your stores by address or postal code.
- Support Google Maps v3
- Support distances in Km or in Miles.
- Support streetview display.
- Powered by jQuery and jQuery Mobile.
- Display the closest stores around the current location (need to have https://)
- Secure admin interface
- Google Maps language customization
- Very clean and user friendly user interface.
Also included
- Fully featured backend interface to add, edit and delete stores.
- Automatically geocode your store addresses in the database.
- Fully compatible with our Advanced stores locator !
Test it before you buy !
Demo available on
this page
21 Sep 2016
- Updated to the latest jQuery Mobile 1.4.5
- Added support for the Google API Key now required by Google
- Added a search by name
- Updated the admin interface and added a username // password to it
- Most of the app pages and the store detail pages can now be accessed with a direct URL
16 May 2013
- Added a secure admin interface, the user/password can be defined from the config file
- Updated the app to the latest jQuery Mobile v1.3.1
- Updated to the latest jQuery library 1.9.1
- Added the ability to translate most buttons from the config file
- You can now define the language to be used inside the Google Map!
- The number of stores to display has been divided into 2 values, one for the list view, and one for the general Google Map for more flexibility
WordPress Plugin available
Get the Store Locator for WordPress