GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend

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by Wicombit
GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend React native Sport & Fitness Mobile App template


GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 1

GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 2

GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 3

GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 4 GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 5

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GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 6 GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 7 GoFit - Complete React Native Fitness App + Backend - 8 Version 2.0.0 (18/02/2019)
New Admin Panel

Version 3.0.0 (15/06/2019)
- Latest Expo 32.0.0 and libraries
- Remove the Underline from Android TextInputs

Version 4.0.0 (09/08/2019)
- Latest Expo 34.0.0 and libraries

Version 5.0.0 (10/11/2019)
- Latest Expo 35.0.0 and libraries
Version 6.0.0 (09/04/2020)
- Latest Expo 37.0.0 and libraries
- Fix duplicated exercices

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