Full Battery &Theft Alarm Android Project

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by MellSoft
Full Battery &Theft Alarm Android Project Android  Mobile Full Applications


Demo Apk:


  • Updated to support the latest android version(android 13).
  • All SDK libraries have been updated.
  • Added AD_ID permission.
  • Added POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission.
  • Bugs have been fixed based on customer feedback.

What Does This Project Do?

This application warns the user by sounding an alarm when the phone battery is fully charged or when the phone is unplugged without permission while charging. The user can see the charging information from the history tab in the application, and access the phone’s battery information from the main page. Users can use the charge booster feature to charge the phone faster.

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What other features ?

  • View battery information in detail
  • View instantaneous current information.
  • Store the charging session information. Then see from the History tab, how long the phone is charged , see the charging date, charging change percentage, phone temperature and average current.
  • Ad placement done according to Admob’s latest SDK. Added Adaptive banner and open app ads.
  • It is compatible with the latest Android version(Api 33).
  • It includes the Onesignal notification system. 

What is the Revenue Model of the App?

The application contains Admob Adaptive banner, interstitial and open app ads. You can make money by adding your own ad codes.

Is Code Information Required to Reskin the Project?

No, no code information is required. But you need to be able to use Android Studio. You will receive a detailed reskin document. Everything you need to do is explained here in detail.


Need help with Reskin?

If you want, I can reskin the project for you at an cheap price. Please check my fiverr profile. 


Change Log

V1 29.12.2021

  • First Release!

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