Battery Full Alarm for Android

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by HDPSolution
Battery Full Alarm for Android Android  Mobile Full Applications


===== Update July 2021 =====

- Update newest version. Fix bugs and support Android 10, Android 11.

– Build with Android Studio 4.2.1

– Target SDK 30 – support newest Android version 11.0. Support Android version from 5.0 to 11.0 and newer.

===== App’s description =====

Battery Full Alarm 2020 is a free app that informs you when the battery is fully charged with the highest accuracy. With Battery Full Alarm 2020 you can protect your phone battery, prevent fire when charging for too long, increase battery life, and increase battery life.

Main features of Battery Full Alarm 2020:

– Allows you to customize the notification when the battery reaches a certain level (20 -100%).

– Allow to set the alarm when the battery is full.

– Allow to set vibration when the battery is full.

– Allow to play music continuously when the battery is full.

– Allow flashing flash when Battery is full.

– Allow to turn on / off the notification when the battery is full for a certain period of time (Do not disturb function).

– Allows processing off notifications when the battery is full in 2 ways:

+ Method 1: Double-tap the notification screen when the battery is full.

+ Method 2: Unplug the device’s charger.

– Allows you to display notifications when the battery is full on the status bar.

– Friendly and easy to use application interface.

– Free download and free use on your Android device.

===== About this source code =====

– Newest version 1.1 with 1.000+ download – link app is published by us (hdp solution – Jamba Group):

– Link download apk file to check app:

– Build with Android Studio 3.4

– Target SDK 28 – support newest Android version 10.0. Support Android version from 4.4 to 10.0 and newer.

– Admob intergration.

– Tested run well on various Android devices.

– Source code use Android proguard that protect from decompile app.

– Stable source code.

– Easily reskin layout for this app.

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