FoodKing - Restaurant Food Delivery System with Admin Panel & Delivery Man App | Restaurant POS

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by inilabs


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FoodKing is a cutting-edge food delivery app and restaurant management system designed to support both single and multi-branch restaurants. It comes with a robust POS system, complemented by user-friendly applications, including an app for customers, a website, and an app for delivery personnel. The system boasts a feature-rich admin panel developed with Laravel Framework and Vue, empowering you to efficiently and intelligently manage every aspect of your restaurant operations. Experience accelerated growth and seamless management with FoodKing’s powerful tools at your disposal.

FoodKing Website Frontend FoodKing Admin Panel
FoodKing Customer App Download FoodKing Delivery App Download
FoodKing Documentation FoodKing Support FoodKing Community
Whats included with the FoodKing food ordering system and delivery app?
Payment Gateway's included with foodking
Foodking features are multi-branch, Pos, Distance wise delivery charge, location search, schedule order, aesthetic user interface, home delivery, and takeaway, coupon, and voucher, easy payment system, order tracking, chat, branch wise user manage, manage product variation and addons, multi-language, multiple payment gateways, advanced reporting system, spa, single page application
single page application
point of sale (POS) and invoicing system
Responsive User Interface, menu item page, category, cart, order details, item variation
PWA feature coming soon, progressive web app
user mobile application flutter
flutter delivery app

Demo Credentials

Web Login Credentials

password: 123456

password: 123456

Delivery Man
password: 123456

Branch Manager
password: 123456

Pos Operator
password: 123456

Customer User Journey

  • Users can see the home page. Now he can set the current location and allow the location access. Here have the variant types of food, offer, and 2 types of foods. like non-veg and veg.
  • The user can log in to the system with his email and password. otherwise, he can signup for this with some information.
  • Easily customers can filter the product by category-wise list and grid view also.
  • When customers click on a product there have possible many options like product variation, extra, and some addons also. They can easily manage the product quantity and add it to the card.
  • If the customer clicks the “process to checkout” button he could see the checkout page. if the customer did not have a login then it will redirect to the login page and after login, signup, or guest login then he can see the checkout page.
  • The checkout page has many functions. first of all, the customer can select the can take away for the order or deliver the product. now select the nearest branch. then select his delivery address. if the delivery address is not available then create an address first. now select which time he can get the order and select the payment gateway like cash on delivery and other card payment options. if you have a coupon the customer can use the coupon for the discount. now click the place order button.
  • Now the customer can see his order details with the current status for this order on the order summary page.
  • There has the option to see the previous order. then go to the user dropdown option then see my order link then click my order link the customer can see the previous order.
  • There has a chat option. where customers can easily contact the branch manager by chat. go to the chat menu from the user dropdown and select branch and start chat.
  • Customer can manage their address from the user dropdown menu and click add a new address and fill up all information with select the map location also.
  • If the customer can edit their profile then go to the user dropdown page and click edit profile. now he can change his phone number, email, etc.

Frontend Features

  1. Home Page
    1. Allow location
    2. Branch switch
    3. Language switch
    4. Search item
    5. Menu-wise item search (Category)
    6. Veg/Non-veg wise item search
    7. Newsletter subscription
    8. Footer section
  2. Menu page
    1. Menu-wise item search (gird and list view)
  3. Variation page
    1. Show variation (single and multi-variation)
    2. Add to cart
  4. Cart page
    1. Set all product list with variation and addon also
  5. Checkout page
    1. Get branch select option
    2. Add delivery address system
    3. Delivery time add
    4. Add Payment gateway
    5. Item list also
    6. Add coupon system
  6. My orders
    1. Set my order list (active & previous order)
    2. Order view (active & previous order, Cancel order also)
  7. Auth
    1. Login with guest login
    2. Register
    3. Forget password
  8. Profile
    1. Address CRUD
    2. Profile edit
    3. Change password
    4. Messing system
  9. Other page
    1. Contact us
    2. About us
    3. Terms & conditions
    4. Privacy

Backend Features

  1. Dashboard
  2. Items
    1. Item info
    2. Item variations
    3. Item extras
    4. Item addons
  3. POS
  4. Live orders
  5. Orders
    1. Order info
    2. Invoice
    3. User details
  6. Coupons
  7. Offer/Promos
  8. Review (remove)
  9. Push notification
  10. Messing
  11. Users
    1. Admins
      1. Profile
      2. Security (change password)
      3. Location
      4. orders
    2. Delivery Boy
      1. Profile
      2. Security (change Password)
      3. Location
      4. Orders
    3. Customer
      1. Profile
      2. Security (change password)
      3. Location
      4. Orders
  12. Accounts
    1. Transactions
  13. Reports
    1. Sales
    2. Item (which item is a high-selling item)
    3. Credit Balance (user wallet balance)
  14. Settings
    1. Company
    2. Site
    3. Logo & icons
    4. Branches
    5. Mail
    6. Currencies
    7. Taxes
    8. Item Categories
    9. Item Attributes
    10. Sliders
    11. Pages
    12. Languages
    13. SMS
    14. Notifications
    15. Socials (optional)
    16. OTP
    17. Analytics
    18. Cookies
    19. Payment Gateways
    20. Role & Permissions
    21. App
    22. License Code
    23. Addons
    24. Update

Change Log

Version 1.0 (25 May 2023)
- Initial Release

Product tags

  • 4
  • 6 month free support included from author
  • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
  • 360 degrees quality control
Secure payment & money back guarantee

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